Munincipal Waste better than Kamelot in 2005???!!!

The Fiddler

Just Do It.
Nov 27, 2002
Heaven and Hell
According to the super scribes at BWBK, Kamelot's, "The Black Halo" wasn't even worthy of mention in their top 66 poll of 2005. But all hail Municipal Waste, Fozzy, Rotten Sound, Clutch, and Akercocke who beat out Kamelot for a spot in the top 66. NOT! Needless to say, I don't take much stock in BWBK's CD reviews. :yuk:
Looks like another E-mag going down the shitter. I wont even mention the paper version, to expensive even think about buying.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't BW & BK cater to the more agressive side of Metal? Regardless, Khan tends to be an X facor; you either love him or hate him. If you can't stand him, it's unlikely any of his work would end up in your Top XX.

AngraRULES said:
Do you really care about some list that puts Priest's Angel of Retribution on #2 CD of the year?


No. I just wanted illustrate how much of a joke it was for those who didn't know about it. I've always been critical of their reviews and this was just more proof that they are not all that much in line with what people think here (based on recent, "best of" polls on this board). BWBK does some nice things with their magazine and website (news section), but their reviews are to be ignored unless one only listens to the radio and can't think for themselves. The reviews are too business-motivated and seek to kiss-ass a bit much with legendary bands like Priest, IMO. reviews are much more in-line with my opinions.
Well, I think Kamelot's Black Halo was a good album but overrated. So many people say it was in their top 3 of the year, but I just can't seem to get into it that much to declare it that.

I do however mainly read to get reviews though, versus other sites
MadeInNewJersey said:
Other way around Zod; BW&BK is like power & prog fluff. You'd hardly know there were extreme metal genres if you only relied on that mag.
You're so wrong. I've seen Opeth on the cover.:loco:

AngraRULES said:
Do you really care about some list that puts Priest's Angel of Retribution on #2 CD of the year?
They had that #2? If that's true, why are we even discussing the list? Halford's mom didn't even have it in her Top 10. Take a look:

booB said:
so what you're really saying is that BW&BK sucks, because you don't agree with it?

Are you talking to me?

Where above am I critical of BWBK for anything else but the reviews? :Smug:

Didn't you read the part of the post that said I LIKE aspects of their magazine and website? :Smug:

For the record, I do think Mark Grommen does a good, honest job with his reviews, but does way to few, IMO.
The mag is great for covering all genres, I buy it monthly. However the reviews are way biased IMO. They cater to the Death/Thrrash/Hardcore genre. Once in a while they'll surprise you with a popular hard rock band.

They tore apart the new JADED HEART which I found mind boggling. One of the best Hard Rock discs of 2005 IMO.
Just because Opeth was once on the cover...

I get BW/BK most months, and it is heavy on the power/prog/thrash metal, occasional death metal (I lumped melodic death in with thrash, btw), but NO black or anything else I'd consider extreme.

Hardcore, lol.
Dunno what Mag you been reading but heres what Ive been....
