US death metal circa 1993. Pre-WHORE/FORNICATOR

In preparation for the upcoming MURDER BASKET "Discography" CD NVS and in accordance with original MB member ROB FORNICATOR bring you the first ever MURDER BASKET shirt(s). 2 colors to choose from: White shirt with black ink(double sided) and black shirts with red and turquise ink(double sided). Modeled after and using Rob's original artwork from 1993 for design that never came to be.
*Profits from shirts are going towards the cost of manufactoring the MB CD. That stated, no acceptance of trades.
**No projected release date for the MB CD. Layout needs to be finished and tracks are still being mastered. Rob has just come across a good sounding MB rehersal tape. NVS is NOT TAKING pre-oders for this upcoming release.
***NVS will print more MB shirts should this first batch sell out.
PURCHASE(prices and sizes all present at the NVS Bigcartel site):
Black shirts:
White shirts:
*All shirts come with MB vinyl logo sticker.
**Be sure to check out Rob's artwork for the just released VOMIT BREATH cassette release via NVS. Stream/Buy:

Murder Basket-01 grizzly fetish(Demo 666) 1993.

In preparation for the upcoming MURDER BASKET "Discography" CD NVS and in accordance with original MB member ROB FORNICATOR bring you the first ever MURDER BASKET shirt(s). 2 colors to choose from: White shirt with black ink(double sided) and black shirts with red and turquise ink(double sided). Modeled after and using Rob's original artwork from 1993 for design that never came to be.
*Profits from shirts are going towards the cost of manufactoring the MB CD. That stated, no acceptance of trades.
**No projected release date for the MB CD. Layout needs to be finished and tracks are still being mastered. Rob has just come across a good sounding MB rehersal tape. NVS is NOT TAKING pre-oders for this upcoming release.
***NVS will print more MB shirts should this first batch sell out.
PURCHASE(prices and sizes all present at the NVS Bigcartel site):
Black shirts:
White shirts:
*All shirts come with MB vinyl logo sticker.
**Be sure to check out Rob's artwork for the just released VOMIT BREATH cassette release via NVS. Stream/Buy:

Murder Basket-01 grizzly fetish(Demo 666) 1993.