MURDER SQUAD - Ravenous Murderous


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
MURDER SQUAD - Ravenous Murderous (2004)


1. Ravenous Murderous
2. I am Eternal
3. Epidermal Massacre
4. Disturbing the Freaks
5. Spunkslut
6. Hellish Blasphemy
7. Shitstorn
8. Born In Sewage, Bred in Bile
9. Army Of Maggots
10. Masterpiece in Morbidity
11. Homocide
12. Rising From The Ashes

The bad thing is this is a nearly complete early period ENTOMBED ripoff. The good thing is this is a side project featuring members of ENTOMBED (and DISMEMBER as well)! The cover artwork made me crack up, some shitty drawing of some shitty dude stabbing himself in his shitty eye. But that is what MURDER SQUAD is all about, making shitty music-- I mean, making some fun old school death metal.

This does not push any new grounds, and is not a slab of retro-incredible death metal a la BLOODBATH - Breeding Death, but features some good riffs and lots of blood, muck, and gore. Anyone looking for some traditional death metal to blast insanely loud while consuming a lot of beer will be happy with MURDER SQUAD.

Yeah I have like 12 more to review in the next 4 days. :ill:

But I'm drinking Guinness, so maybe some of the shitty ones will get an extra point or two and be happy. :loco:
What's up with all the Corpse hate lately!? I wish all the shitty grind bands of the world would follow their lead of high quality musicianship and solid songwriting.

Hey wait you dirty mong, don't you like their album Vile? You filthy badger...
Woah there, I only said that because any time I get a promo with some fucker sticking a knife in his eye, or with song titles like "up your arse with broken glass", I think 'NAD promo'. :)
:lol: x 982357093875

"There's one in every town!"
--my buddy one night talking about me listening to crazy death metal