Musea and Unicorn releases


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2007
There are releases on Musea and Unicorn that you either never have or they are online much later than they are available. Sometimes I can order them at Amazon before I can get them from lasers edge. I'd prefer to get them from you. Specifically on my want list are the new Karfagen (The Space Between Us) and Lost World (Awakening Of The Elements) and the new Lazuli.

The Musea situation is a bit complicated and I don't want to get into it too deeply here. We have not done an order with them since before last summer. I'm aware. Musea and The Laser's Edge are in the process of untangling our distribution arrangement in France. Once that is resolved I expect to stock Musea titles frequently. I have a list a mile long to be honest - we sell Musea titles extremely well.

We order from Unicorn on a relatively regular basis as long as they have product that interests us. We have not have sucess with the previous Karfagen disc - nor their recent releases. That means we move cautiously. I plan on stocking the new Karfagen (why not give them another shot) as well as The Gourishankar - a very good Eastern European prog band.

So the bottom line is - Musea will sort itself out momentarily and Unicorn is a hit or miss afair - mostly hit.

Sit tight!
