Music Forte - Musicians Earn Money With Us


New Metal Member
Jun 10, 2004
Music to your ears!

Have you put your heart and dreams into establishing a musical career? It can be a struggle. Finding the right musicians to hook up with is an enduring task. If you're freelancing in the commercial industry, then you've got to keep a strong presence in order to receive any work. Maybe your career dream landed as just a hobby. There's nothing wrong with that. Music Forte is about enjoying music.


A new approach -

What makes us different? We are a community that is being built by our members. We want to provide the services that make you happy. That's why we developed our "Jingle Laboratory." Do you like to write music? If so, then you should be selling it! Our clients post projects. All you have to do is setup your profile area, and bid for their work. If they like what they see, the project and money is yours. This is a fantastic way to build your resume.

Do you teach music? Great, because not only are we paying the members to write material for us, but they are getting exposure from thousands of our members. Every published lesson can be linked to your sales page! Or perhaps even your own personal website. The bottom line is, you'll get noticed. Why, because we've captured the interest of thousands in the music industry.

The proof is in the pudding!Just take a look at our latest results published by Alexa! We've gained more internet popularity than current running presidential candidate John Edwards Kerry!!

Check out our stats!!

Even more features

It doesn't stop there. You can collaborate with other online musicians. You can sell your used instruments in our classified ads. In fact, we'll even sell your CD's for you with special promotions to ensure that you are getting noticed, and getting the sales! If you don't have a CD, then use our services to
form an online band!

OK. But how much? -


Membership in the "Musician Plan" is only $25 a year. That is dirt cheap - just a few cents over $2/month! At the rate we are growing, we are sure to be the largest online community for Musicians. By getting in now, you can help mold our business model, and in return we will help grow your career!

Music Forte Inc. will be distributing worldwide compilation disc of many of our currently registered artists. We want you on that album! Huh? Did you say "royalties?" Of course you receive them, but only if you are one of our published artists.

We do offer an affiliate opportunity, but it is presented in a different sign-up plan. Why? Because we want you to understand that we are all about music! When you join, just click on the link at the bottom-right corner. There is only the annual fee of $25, and you can still receive commissions if you want to get some of your band-mates involved. We'll pay you $10 for each member you bring in. If you like the affiliate concept, you can upgrade to the matrix plan at any time. If you don't, then simply don't refer, but by all means take advantage of this fantastic price and service. JOIN NOW


Tom Broadbent
519-672-6465 est.