Can you write well? Do you like metal? Do you want free CD's? Then read on...
Due to my insane work schedule I'm looking for a few good people to write reviews of the many CD's that arrive in my mailbox on a regular basis. If you can answer yes to the questions above please head to for more info
Please note that I am only looking for people in the USA for this, nothing against the people of other countries but shipping is a little too costly for me.
Forum moderators/admins: If you consider this post intrusive please delete it, I'm just trying to get some metalheads hooked up with some free CDs in exchange for some writing and your community seemed like a good place to give it a try
Due to my insane work schedule I'm looking for a few good people to write reviews of the many CD's that arrive in my mailbox on a regular basis. If you can answer yes to the questions above please head to for more info
Please note that I am only looking for people in the USA for this, nothing against the people of other countries but shipping is a little too costly for me.
Forum moderators/admins: If you consider this post intrusive please delete it, I'm just trying to get some metalheads hooked up with some free CDs in exchange for some writing and your community seemed like a good place to give it a try