Music Video?

Soul of Ice

Rusted Angel
Jul 29, 2002
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Do you think you guys will ever make a music video? Towers would have been perfect for one - there was so much imagry in the music, I got mental pictures in my head just from listening

So what do you think a video for De-Evolution? Hopefully? Please? lol

They made a Death Machine video for Seperate which I think is being edited as we speak or might even be done. So we should be seeing it soon somewhere, prolly will be on their webpage. No videos for Zero Hour though. Would be cool though.

Bob "Buddah"
We wanted to do a video for Towers but it would have been a bad time to do a video. On De-Evolution we might do a video but to early to say. We would need a budget of some sort.

Hope everyone is doing great and sorry for not getting back to you sooner. Been a bit under the weather.
