Musical survivor, the winner is...


Dec 6, 2001
In a Zone
With almost 82% of the vote, Natasha Hamilton becomes the final person to be voted off the planet, once people finally realized that they didn't know who the hell she was.

Congratulations to Neil Turbin, the musical survivor. For outlasting the other 15 competitors, Neil wins...well, nothing. I guess that was pretty pointless. :lol:

I hope people enjoyed Musical Survivor. If people are bored, I could always do another Survivor with a different theme:
-members from this board?
-Anthrax albums (or other heavy metal albums)?
-Anthrax band members through the years?
-or we can just be glad this thing is fianlly over and leave it at that.
Hey, funny that Neil Turbin won the musical survivor award for that is exactly what he is! Check out his latest email to me, the guy is such a class act, too bad I can't afford to go to LA!

Cheerz everybody!

Hey what's up Augdawg,

Great to hear from you again and thanks for
listening to "Fistful of Metal". I'm glad you
liked "Deathrider". The storyline comes from
the Greek Mythology legend of Pegasus.

I would like to invite you down to our studio to
hear the new material for yourself, if you're
ever here in LA. I'd also like to get a chance
to hear your metal rap material too. If you'd
like, you can contact me directly on my message
board at, since I can access
it from any web browser and while I'm
traveling. This will guarantee you a faster

There's an old saying that goes something
like "You can judge a mans riches not by how
much money he has, but by how many friends he
has". Anthrax is lucky to have a fan like you.

I'll let you know when the records done so I can
get a copy out to you. Heaviness is next to

AugDawgs Rule!
Stay Cool,
I intentionally left out any current band members, as the bias certainly would have affected the outcome, but with both Dans and Joey bowing out in the early rounds, it shows that there wasn't a huge amount of loyalty to former members. Also, the fact that a pop girl group member made it to the final round certainly made for a few surprises anyway.