Musicians faces


Mar 18, 2007
Anyone else notice that someones face contorts in a unique way when and only when they are playing their instrument haha....

well except me i don't see the point in having a "guitar face"
When your out there headbanging on stage, You shouldnt give a shit AT ALL what you look like. Their faces turn upside down because they feel the music, When your really into the music you cant control wut the hell your face does. Look at Randy Rhoades, He is the worlds worst face contorter, and probobly up there on one of the best guitarists ever! I havent seen many pictures of Randy Rhoads were he doesnt look constipated. Face contorting is completly normal and probobly a good thing........gets them face muscles workin......
I'm not talking about shows dude, i'm talking about hey check this tune i can play *face contorts in unique way, i get my little laugh*
Some of the best guitarists that I can think of don't contort their face at all. If you do so, then it's probably a sign that you're straining yourself moreso than it is that you're "feeling" the music. Just look up Muhammad Suicmez (Necrophagist), and Theodore Ziras (Europhorce), on YouTube.

Actually, nevermind, I already did.

Necrophagist - Only Ash Remains (Live) -

Necrophagist - Foul Body Autopsy (Live) -
(Watch the whole thing, because his face is hard to see in some parts)

Theodore Ziras - Dash (Studio) -
LOL oh the joy :D

My friend Callum's face squishes up when he plays :D.

I don't see the need to do this hahaahaha.
Best faces ever= Steve Vai:lol:
I have his Live in Astoria London DVD and he shreds the entire time. The faces he makes are priceless tho'
He goes from the constipated look to orgasming to sexy to licking his lips w/ the fan blowing his hair back....oh man!
I heard that Joe Satchtrioni charges $360 per hour for a lesson(probably more now) that was 15years ago...but the first few lessons are just on fascial exspressions.....what a rip off!
Whenever I play something that requires alot of concentration such as technical riffs and solos, I tend to tighten my jaw and bite my teeth together real hard and widening my eyes. I just look real angry :lol: Greatest face though would be Paul Gilbert's:

Ha, that's a great vid - I guess if your going to wear your space suites to the studio you better have something to back it up with. Personally, I can't work the Wha peddle without mouthing the notes.