Musicians jokes


#1 Backstreet Boys Fan
Sep 2, 2001
Anyone knows some? I know two, I'm trying to post them here but I am not sure if my translation will be that good...

1. How many Bassists do you need to change a light-bulb?

Pff, who needs bassists anyway?

2. There's a car driving in front of you. How can you see that the driver is a drummer?

He gets faster and faster...
Did you hear about the Drummer that had to break open the car window to get the bassist out because he forgot his keys?
I am a guitarist so I can say these heh:

Q: How many guitarists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
A: 100, 1 to screw it in, and 99 to say that they could've done it better.

Q: How many guitarists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: One to fail miserably and then whine about how he can do it perfectly at home.

Q What is a Blues Bassist's favorite number?
A: 1.... 5.... 1.... 4.... 5.... 1.... (If you don't know theory you won't get that)
"Q: How many guitarists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
A: One to fail miserably and then whine about how he can do it perfectly at home. "

That sounds more like my bassist