Musicians Thread


Feb 14, 2006
Just thought this would be a cool idea for a thread, sorry if it has been a thread before, I didn''t bother searching. Anyways you can talk about your gear, how long you have been playing, favourite songs to play etc..

As for me I have a Fender Jazz Bass (MN series) so its mexican made, and N being the 90's series I believe. Though the bass has a pickup selector which is really cool. I have been playing for 2 years or so.

For guitar I have a shitty Strat knockoff (not even a squire haha) but I plan to be buying a PRS SE Standard sometime soon. Been playing for about 1 year or so. Favourite songs to play would be Flattening of Emotions, Lack of Comprehension, Black Rose Immortal etc..

I play an Ibanez BTB 6 string. serious bass for about 4 years now. more into the progressive metal stylings. i run through a pretty serious rig too
--> Peavey ProBass 500, Peavey 410 cabinet and a BBE MaxCom

i hate the no bass or LOW bass in metal so i have a pretty punchy tone. love it. i love challenging myself with opeth, dream theater or sometimes slap on some maiden/metallica to have some fun
I have an Ibanez RG320FM and a no name guitar I got as my first instrument two years ago for a hundred and fifty bucks, I never play it now, but I was happy with it before I got the Ibanez.
Have had a guitar since i was 16 i think. I haven't played it in a while. Mostly because of frustration of going no where. I keep meaning to pick it up again but working night crew and trying to finish school now it making it harder
I've been playing bass for almost 5 years. I'm pretty serious about it, but I don't plan to make anything out of it. I'm more of a closet musician you could say, I don't like to play with bands, or make music for others.

I do play in the jazz band at my high school, however. We recently got silver at the rotary festival.
I play an Ibanex GAX 7 guitar (looks like an all black Gibson SG kinda, but is obviously not nearly as good)

Hehe I have one of them.
I also have a platinum series BC Rich Warlock that I bought the other day for $300 AUD. Also I have an Ibanez RG1570 Prestige, an Ibanez AEG10 acoustic, and an old nylon string that my dad used to play. All that goes into an Engl Powerball :kickass:
I've been playing guitar now for about..... 12 or 13 years? Damn I'm old, hehe. I own a Ibanez RG550, the thing is built to last! Had it about 7 years now, only had to take it into the shop once for a problem with the volume knob, other than that she's been reliable as ever.

I play thru an old computer speaker hooked up to a distortion pedal lol, it can get pretty loud (relative to living in an apartment loud, not playing a show loud). When I moved a couple provinces over I had to sell my amp and since I was living in apartments, I never bothered buying an amp. Now that I live in a house I plan on getting one soon.

I'm also planning on buying another axe soon, maybe an epiphone SG or les paul style or maybe a Dean ML.
Going to be getting my new guitar this week. I'm going to be choosing between a couple of prospects when I get to the store. So far the competition is between a Gibson SG Faded, PRS SE Standard and an Ibanez RG1570. I'm also going to see what else is at the store that could be a contender.
I've been playing guitar since december of 2000 when I got a shitty super strat knock off for chritsmas. Now I have an Epiphone Les Paul custom and a Line 6 Spider II 210 combo amp. I would love a Caparison TAT with a "frozen sky" finish, but I can't afford one at the moment.
Hey BurningWitch, I'd personally go for the Ibanez or the PRS. PRS would be more 'all round' and a little smoother (and looks hotter too hehe), the RG would be a little more brutal but more for lead work.

True. If not that ibanez then I will see what others they have at the store. Though I'm not a shredder, I have always loved ibanez and I am looking for guitar that will handle the heavy stuff. Really I'm just looking for a guitar that produces a heavy sounds, a nice smooth neck, and has a price range of 700-900$. Also, I think the SG fits more my style, but I am still undecided.
I've been playing for 3 years now. The last year was for the most part serious playing. The other 2 years, not so much. My first guitar was a 1992 mexican sunburst strat that I got for about 400, and then equipped it with a seymour duncan hot rod (stacked humbucker) in the bridge position. First amp was a Roland Cube 15, and I got an MT-2 Metal Zone hooked up soon after.

However, I have recently gotten a Randall 150W Head and Peavey Windsor Cab, and the head has a tube, pretty sweet sound along with the MT-2, since the distortion is a little bit fuzzy from the Head. I hook that up to my Ibanez RG1570 (Prestige) which has a Dimarzio PAF Pro in the neck (best pickup evarrr!!) and a Dimarzio X2N (they could have smoothed out the edges, but I guess that's what I get from their highest output pickup), and you get a pretty sweet, booming sound.

As well, I play piano and drums (I have a Mapex set).

My favourite songs to play would have to be mostly Death songs (Crystal Mountain, Flesh and the Power it Holds, Come Clarity, etc.), and more recently Dream Theater (Overture 1928, Pull Me Under, etc.), Quo Vadis, trying out Symphony X now (bleh, very challenging, too much string skipping shredding sections and picking arpeggios at near sweep speed, damn MJR turning what others would consider solos into riff parts).
I'm a drummer.
I've been playing 7 years now, total. Completely self taught.
I play a Tama kit, a 6 piece that i built through the last few years upgrading.
[Rack - 8", 10", 12"]
14" Snare, 14" "Floor tom" (Though it's just suspended on a stand w/ my ride)
22" Bass / DW Double pedals
Cymbals: 16" HHX-Treme Crash, 14" Thin Crash, 18" Projection Crash, 16"AAx Crash, 20" Metal Ride, 18" China, 14" Hats.
(All a mix of Sabian and Zildjian)

I play, and do the vocals in a Depressive black metal band now called Displeasure, that just came together a while ago. We haven't got anything recorded, as we're trying to perfect our sound and know exactly what we want before we do a Demo.

Otherwise i like to play some brutal death metal for fun, and me and some buddies jam on some post-rock ish stuff from time to time.

That's all