Mustaine comes clean?

I took care of him (David Ellefson) and employed him, even after three last three producers and even his lead guitarist wanted to fire him for not being good in the studio
I don't think Chris Poland is going to be touring with the band.
Its good he is being honest, but its all his side of the story! Apparently its everyones fault but his that Megadeth turned into a shit alternative rock band, yet he is the main songwriter. Crybaby. Ill bet Dave Ellefson has a very different story to tell.

He does seem genuinely upset that Ellefson is suing him though, that must be tough :cry:
Ellefson had a 20 q's on Sludge... I found I didn't really find him interesting at all.

But yeah, I like Dave Mustaine even though he's a prick, and this is the first time I actually believe most of what he's saying.

He should take more of the blame for crap music though.
I have always liked Mustaine, even though it is clear he is a bit of a tool.

I don't think Ellefson himself would be that interesting a person, but I'm sure he would have the best story to tell, having been in the band the whole time and having seen what happened from a perspective that isn't Mustaine.

The other thing, is that I don't think Megadeth turned crap, they just changed, the same as most bands. I understand people not liking their 90s stuff, but it is still good hard rock for the most part. Mustaine is a great writer.
I think "Risk" is the most interestingly titled album ever released. Capitol had taken a huge risk in the years leading up to it in the hope that Megadeth would be their answer to the success Elektra had had with Metallica, and Megadeth knew how risky it would be to produce an album of radio-friendly pap in the hope that it would sell and repay the debt they owed the label. "Risk" was a risk for everyone involved, not the least of whom were the people who forked out good money to buy it, hoping to hear something worthwhile.
Risk and Virtual XI are nothing alike, besides being weak.
While Virtual XI may be Maiden at their worst, it does still sound like Maiden. In no way does Risk sound anything like Megadeth.
I agree with you there, my comparison was to the quality of the material hidden within a weak album. I think both albums are the weakest for their respective band, but both also have great material on them, and other material that isn't so great but shows good potential, and other material that is shite.
he's getting a lot of press out of this... leading up to the release of the new album.

Every second story on blabbermouth at the moment is Mustaine talking about Ellefson, or his hand, or the band's history, or Metallica being interviewed about the scene in SOME KIND OF MONSTER where Lars & Dave have a discussion.