Mustaine to fans: "no seriously dudes, I'm a giant fucking douche."


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Shitstaine sues Jr.

LOS ANGELES - The lead singer of Megadeth has sued the band's former bass player for allegedly using the name of the group without permission in an ad for musical equipment.

David Mustaine claims in the lawsuit filed Monday in Superior Court that he and David Ellefson entered into a settlement agreement in February that restricts the guitarist's use of the band name.

"Ellefson shall not use, or authorize anyone else to use, the work or mark `Megadeth" to advertise, market or promote any person, band, company, organization, product or services without Megadeth's prior express written permission," according to the lawsuit.

Mustaine said an ad in this month's issue of Bass Player features Ellefson holding a pedal tuner for bass guitars and includes the names of several bands he is involved with — including Megadeth.

Mustaine is seeking unspecified compensatory, punitive and exemplary damages.

Megadeth was founded in 1983 and released a greatest hits album, "Back to the Start," last month. Ellefson appeared on albums from 1985 to 2002 until he got into a disagreement with Mustaine and refused to rejoin the band last year.
What a yunt. How can someone legally take away someone's accomplishments? He played in the band. That's like a corporation sueing someone over putting them down on a resume after termination.

I've officially lost all respect.
lizard said:
I just realized that by prominently naming this thread "Opeth Board...", some of the refugees wandering in the wilderness will see it and believe they have discovered a holy screed outlining their salvation.

Wrong thread. :tickled:

Points Lizard in right direction! ------------------>
not like any doubt remained in my mind

but the question is, is he going to out-douchebag LARS "I HAVE MY PICTURE IN THE DICTIONARY NEXT TO THE WORD" ULRICH anytime soon?
Damn, all of the good Mustaine has accomplished by beating Ozzfest at their own game and releasing his first semi-decent album in years has been seriously tainted by acting like a colossal prick toward Ellefson...and the fact that the latter got paid just proves Dave is out to screw him for whatever reason.
RC writers: Don't compare a band to Megadeth in a review favorably or otherwise, Dave might send a lawyer your way...