Mustaine VS Men's Warehouse

I guess you can't exactly blame him for being annoyed but he always has to make a big ass deal about things using his fame. IMO it's a bit immature, but whatever, that's Dave for you. Pretty sure most people that shop there don't know who he is or read his rants anyway.

Although, I noticed today that Yahoo had him as the No.1 trending search term. :lol:
yeah I saw when he posted that. He complained of a bad service like all of us do when a bad service is given to us (and we paid a good service's worth), difference is his influence is huge so that complaining message got to a lot of people. Why not? I know I tell my friends when I get fucked over in a restaurant or a store or my phone company or whatever, why can't he? It certainly teaches the company a lesson to provide quality cause you never know when you will dissatisfy an opinion leader