My 2.5HR Mix Of A Non Metal Band


Feb 27, 2008
Last week these boys came into TRS Studios to lay down 5 Live tracks.
We completed the weekend by spending the most of the Sunday doing vocals.

They came back in today for a 10hr session basically allowing 2hrs per tracks to do something with it mixing.

There are flaws in both the mix and the bands performance but im happy to hear any comments or mix opinions anyone has.


Tracked live tama drum kit,into audix mics into sebatron pre's all round including oh's(pencils)Gtr on right same room,messa combo miced e906 into a pendulum,
Gtrs left Peavy satriani cab,miced with a 57 into amek,
Bass D.I
Vocal miced Solid Tube into Amek slight comp slight eq,

Mixed in the box,PT.....:loco: Track 5.mp3
IMO, Drums sound a little too dry for my tastes. And maybe the guitars could go up a bit too.