My 5150 is on it's way...What boost do you recommend?


Sep 4, 2008
Hey Fellas,
I'm psyched my 5150 block letter head is on the brown truck headed toward my place and I should have it by next week. I'm probably gonna get the bias and clarity mod from FJA mods.

I'm new to boost pedals I've always been a bit of a purist when it comes to amps. After hearing some insane clips on this site I have to say I need a BOOST!

I was thinking the Maxon OD820 or 808. Or perhaps and older tubescreamer.

What do you guys think???

Thanks! :rock::rock:
I have the OD808, but have also used the OD-9Pro+. I'm pretty sure any tubescreamer style pedal will get you there. The OD808 seems to be the most popular around these parts. You can't go wrong with it.

Yeah, seriously - TS FAQ is required reading! (and will also illustrate that calling it a "boost" is something of a misnomer, because the general use of a TS or equivalent pedal in front of the amp isn't for any more gain, but rather the filtering effect that it has on the signal, thinning out the bass only to the degree that it is tightened up on the palm mutes - case in point, I run my TS7 at Drive 8:30, Tone 10:30, and Level 11:30)
Yeah, seriously - TS FAQ is required reading! (and will also illustrate that calling it a "boost" is something of a misnomer, because the general use of a TS or equivalent pedal in front of the amp isn't for any more gain, but rather the filtering effect that it has on the signal, thinning out the bass only to the degree that it is tightened up on the palm mutes - case in point, I run my TS7 at Drive 8:30, Tone 10:30, and Level 11:30)

Yes i saw that FAQ i started reading it but its a lot to read in the short amount of time I'm usually on. I will though. :kickass:
I picked up a little two-band Boss parametric for like $30. It's not a pedal, but I wouldn't need to be switching it on or off anyway. Doesn't really have much gain headroom, but there's plenty of flexibility playing around with what lows to cut and what mids to boost.