My Addictive Drums preset

Kick/guitar tone fails.

I respectfully disagree, and that's kind of a dick way to word it. :Smug: I really liked the music until the XHARDXCOREX RAAAA breakdown came in at around 2 minutes in, but then it gets really awesome and proggy after, so all is well :D What Engl did you use dude, it sounds (that's the best way I can think to describe it, very full and rich sounding in the mids, though perhaps just a bit too fuzzy which masks note definition; less gain might help)
thanks for the preset man its great and that song is brilliant!! I LOVE the guitar tone you've got going on there! Is there any way I can download that track from soundclick??
thx guys for the feedback! glad u liked it.
@ melodeath: bass is trilogy heavy 6 strings bass

@MetallyGuitarded: must check ur stuff soon

@Metaltastic: I've used Engl Powerball Pre directly in my shitty laptop + poidaobi impulse and to tell the truth i'm not really satisfied of that guitar sound (i've lost a week tryin to find a good tone without results, i gave up and started using wagner)
@illegalfireworks: thx! like i said those riffs were to try ad and give a preview of ad sound but i think i'm goin to work on them to make a song so when i'm finished i'll activate download option:kickass:
heh don't remember very well, i think an hour maybe two since i had to work with something already good . I tried first to fix some little problems i've heard and then i took some albums i liked for drums.. now i'm trying to make something near to new textures but i think i'll experiment with ezdrummer+samples