My amp still sound to rocky?

It seems to me that everything tries to be too upfront (probably because of the mastering).

First of all, it is probably mastered way too loud, which makes the mix a bit of a mess by itself.
Secondly, the bassdrum is too loud in comparison to the snare. Get your volumes right, and then clip the snare with GClip so it doesn't get raped by the mastering. ;)
Thirdly, the guitars are loud and good, but they have a bit too much low mids, you could use a multiband compressor to tame some of them. You should also remove a little bit of the lower frequencies with an EQ to let the bass shine more in these.

Overall the mix is really good though. The toms seem a bit loud and unclear (scoop them a bit near 200-300 hz maybe?) and the snare is pretty low in the mix so I can't really hear its character. It seems pretty raw though, you might want to add reverb to it and compress it aiming for about at least 3-4 dBs of gain reduction with an attack time of about 30ms.

Hope it helped! :)

edit : Studios - LRA Master 5 (Feared).mp3 here's my mix, just in case you wanna hear it
Thanks very much, i used the drum mixdown so i couldnt change any volumes or individual drum eq, but tomorrow ill make my own drums instead
My amps mid knob is closer to the low mids than high mids, thats probably why its a bit to much of the low

Ill try all your suggestions and master it a bit less loud next time

edit: wow your mix was intense, nice job !