my apartment had no heat all weekend

i like the cold. just not when i have walking pneumonia.
i'd be a psycho if i lived somewhere that was warm this time of year. it'd weird me out.
it's not THAT warm, just pleasant. I enjoy the cold, too. Summer here is usually pretty miserable if I go inland at all. Living on the coast means pretty constant year-round temperatures.
i can sort of sympathize with that. my apartment has the most ridiculous bullshit set-up of them all.

the powers that be decided to grant it an A/C:heater combo, which is loud as all fuck (seated right over my bed), and provides no heat. when it's done doling out the miniscule heat rations, it sees fit to blow it's fan aimlessly. and cycling in (outside, freezing) air with it.

the large picture window has drafts coming in all over it and whine whine whine whine whine whine. yeti power.
that SUCKS. i mean, at least my apartment is like AFRICA HOT when the heat does come on. can you get a space heater?
yeah, i should. i think i might even be able to get a (toast-r-oven sized) one for free.

yours works okay?

octoqueer is a small concern of mine with it, but whatever.


heater knocker over

also, prepsh, i totally keep forgetting the green tea. that is another tool in the frost arsenal.
well, if you get a good small ceramic space heater it will at least make one room pretty toasty after running for about an hour. the ones we have aren't even a foot tall and they work pretty okay. just make sure you get a UL listed one that shuts off automatically if it overheats or if it gets blocked by a curtain or something.
there is only heat in two of my house's five bedrooms (well, cause three of them are converted offices and attics). so the landlord gave space heaters to two of my roomies, while I just got an extra couple of quilts. it sucks living on a porch. :(
dude... living on a porch SUCKS especially because they're so poorly insulated! why dont you get an electric blanket? i mean, sure they're mad shady, but they're TOASTY.
i'm sayin'.

trust me. i've porched it before. so has my best friend. if it weren't for electric blankets we'd both be cryogenic girls.
Yeah, I'm kind of annoyed when I wake up in the morning and open my door (into the rest of the house) and it's nice and warm while I could almost see my breath. I do have heaters along the walls, but they don't do anything.

I suppose if I buy an electric blanket NEW not USED, the fire risk is minimal. It'll probably make it even harder for me to crawl out of bed in the morning, though.
i just stuffed two strips cut from the ends of pajama bottoms and a random sock along the length of the crevice in the middle of the picture window.

holy shit, it's warmer already. i feel like i'm in a Young Ones episode.
okay so my best friend lives next door to me... and she said the heat and hot water still isn't working! (*#&@#*@^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!