my apologizes to IRIS, ICED DRAGON and LIL WITCH!!


Eats and spits corpses...
Sep 2, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
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i am sorry. i am a dickhead. after coming too late to meet you during gamma ray (some of my friends had to work longer which sucked) and then i missed saxon because i was way too drunk!!! i am sorry....i hope you can forgive me....i hope i'll see you at dynamo....

It's ok, David.
We walked for three times around the mixing tower and then left towards our tents. If you watched the crowd on stage, Wendy was on stage too. I guess you were on the right side (for the band that was) of the stage, because the left side, where we stood, were making more noise then your side!!! :D
Nah, it was one hell of a party!

xxx Iris xxx
cool then :D

yeh...i was on the right side. the ppl there was dumbasses....i was hte only one that seemed to know the songs and stuff! have you seen slayer? enemies of reality was amazing!
Yupz, i saw Slayer! They are indeed killer!
Although, Lombardo does it for me, to be honest :)
I always wanna throw my kit from the 15th floor if i see that guy play..but back home, i realise i have to start practising again..
(haven't done anything these last 6 months, my mom lived at our place untill she had her own appartment..and the kit had to move for her stuff..but now that she's gone, we can start practising again!)
During nevermore's signing session, Halford was playing!
Warrel was pissed about the fact that Halford wouldn't allow people on stage. "he's a dick, but also a star"..he said.
Obviously Warrel didn't forget how it is to be a fan..also during their own shows! Every time, they try to get people on stage and this time the security (on our side) even helped people on stage! The guy in front of us was singing along with the metallica cover, he ruled!!
We had a great time though, singing Painkiller together with the band and the fans that were up there! (jeff stopped signing once in a while, to play the "airguitar" was fun to watch them when they are having fun!)
Ok, i'm gonna take a rest now, i'm tired..

xxx Iris xxx

"We are the enemies of a world that's not forgiving!"
I'd rather go for 'a world that is not forgiving', thought I heard that...could be wrong though

The info for the signing sessions, was next to the Jack Daniels 'White Rabbit' (!!) saloon