My attempt at randy staub

lanky noob

Jan 13, 2012
The shire, UK
stumbled across this gem of a thread and tried some of the things in there out on a mix nolly posted a while ago

Couldn't get the guitar delay trickery to sound right... but it's definitley beefed out my drums (particularly the snare) a shitload

Mix is far from finished, still needs automation and a few tweaks, but do you guys think i'm at least in the ballpark?

(if the vocals pump weirdly it's because i've just slapped vocal rider on them and left it alone purely so the vocals don't dominate everything constantly)
also ii know the drums are too loud in the mix, like i said it needs alot of work still, but the main thing i'm looking for critique on is the drums and guitar :D
To me that doesn't really sound anything like Randy Staub, what did you use for the drums? (you might need to throw some samples in there)
Whatever nolly used, superior I think :lol:

It's not so much meant to sound exactly like him.... i'm more just trying to crank the low end and get the same kind of punch that he does
He uses samples for sure to enhance the drums, plus whatever else he does, P.O.D Youth of a Nation is still one of my references (no distortion guitars shitting all over everything which helps to hear the drum&bass more clearly):

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