My attempt to learn to draw...using COB


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2005
This is a reproduction of a photograph that appeared in the magazine Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles ( of one of the members (ROOPE LATVALA)... this is the first pen and ink drawing I have ever done... I'm just learning to draw at the ripe old age of 38... and really thought the photo in the BWBK mag would challenge me... hope you COB fans like the attempt.
Dire said:
This is a reproduction of a photograph that appeared in the magazine Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles ( of one of the members (ROOPE LATVALA)... this is the first pen and ink drawing I have ever done... I'm just learning to draw at the ripe old age of 38... and really thought the photo in the BWBK mag would challenge me... hope you COB fans like the attempt.

very good.
his face is too wide, and i'm not a fan of that kind of shading but if you enjoy it good for you ;) not bad at all.
Its good, but a bit too fat. i trick my father told me, i know it seems a bit wierd but turn it upside down while you draw it (draw it upside down too) it works because your brain stops looking for a picture and stops preceving it for what it is

TRY IT! (and have may the reaper have mercy on your soul)
Thanks all..
Actually, I have done the drawing upside down method.. works very well.. apparently tricks the linear/mathematic left side of your brain to give up trying to apply it's processes to it and allows your creative right side to take over.. ..
The shading is iffy.. I'm not keen on it but I like how the further you get from the picture.. the more sense the shading makes. I also thought I drew the face a bit fat but again.. the further back you stand the more proportional it seems.

I really appreciate the comments and suggestions ... well... except for the fucker that thought it sucked.. but he has his opinions.. I'm not jumping off a bridge over it. :Smug:

Perhaps I'll try again from another photo.. and I'll take the advice.. NO ALEXI!
thanks again