My attempt to mix song by Jauernis

thanks man! :Smokin: I like this a lot. Very open sounding!

I placed here for easier downloading for everyone else (let me know if thats fine)

what you've done so far sounds awesome man! I like the guitars what are you using for that?

right now some of the backing vocals the delay/verb maybe should have a gate to stop right before the choruses. The bass seems to be lacking a bit. More low end I feel would fill this in nicely.

BUt some cool mixing. I wonder if the other verse 1 would sound better though, a little softer and eerie. The first verse singing sounds really thin might need some beefing up (used a a different mic), seems a little off beat and a little too far away.

Ideas only if you have time
-Really like the guitars good definition and punch
-Vocals sound very good (except the delays here and there and the 1st verse)
-Maybe the first verse should be the other one? That was sung with the same mic as the chorus. Or the first verse you have now just with more thickness and presence

Thanks so much for mixing this I really aprreciate it!! SOunds damn good!:worship:
Guitars are amplitube 2 through Catharsis impulse. I just made new version based on yout ideas. Hope you will like it ;)
This is very good song and I really like it much. Very good arrangement, but I think you should rearrange drums to feel more like drummer playing (more hats, cymbals and breaks).