My Bad Religion live review from Ilosaarirock

Social Distortion

The Voice of Reason
Sep 10, 2004
Lahti Rock City, Finland
My ribs hurt, my left leg won't bend all the way and I walk like Leslie Nielsen because of my hurt back. Feels like I've been to a Bad Religion show.:D

I got to the front row, which is always awesome, and it was fun chatting 90 minutes with other fans while waiting for the band. Hetson and Baker did their own soundchecks. Me and my friends have this inside joke that we sing "Na na na na hey hey goodbye" and try to get people to sing along. It worked really well this time. When we stopped, somebody from behind us always started it again.:tickled: Most of the people at the front were singing with us, and we got some weird looks from the roadies and security since we were waiting for the band to hit the stage, not to leave. Head of the security even asked us "Is that Bad Religion?" HA!

Anyway, they opened with Do What You Want. Then came Overture and Sinister Rouge. So fucking awesome!

Impossible to remember the actual setlist, but they played all the hits and then some. I think about 30 songs were heard that night. Hilights to me were Fuck Armageddon, I want To Conquer The World, American Jesus, Sorrow and Punk Rock Song. I would have loved to hear Come Join Us, but doesn't really matter that much.

The pressure was insane at the front! My ribs are still hurting from the barricade. At times I was afraid they might brake, but luckily I made it with only internal bruises. At times there were four or five pits going on. People were crowd surfing all the time. Some pretty girl's pants fell down when they pulled her out of the crowd, nice... The security guys sure earned their money that night.:D

I don't know why, but at some point Hetson's amps fell down. He then proceeded to bitch at his guitar tech who then picked the amps up. Hetson seemed to be in a bad mood for a while, but then Greg Graffin said something to him and they carried on. When they started Sorrow, I was kinda sad because it's always the last song. BUT WAIT! After Sorrow Graffin signaled Brooks and they played Punk Rock Song! I'm pretty sure it wasn't even planned. Thanks for that!

Jay Bentley really is the Frank Bello of Bad Religion. Great player and performer, so much energy.

I also got a souvenier; Graffin's notes for Germs Of Perfection. It was nice because I never fucking get anything.:bah:

Overall one of the best shows I've seen and the most intense crowd I've been to. There's just that something about punk audiences that metal fans don't have. Suck on that Slayer! :)

Also, DevilDriver, who played the next day, were great. One of my favorite metal bands right now! Faith No More were good as usual, but seemed a little tired. It was the last show of their tour (Mike Patton said the last show EVER!!!).

Sorry about the rambling and a shitty review, but after four days of heavy drinking and no sleep I had to go straight to work for three days, so my head is still fucked up from the trip.:loco:
Yeah just read it thanks man, sounds like a typical BR show. Great song choices too, man it's been to long since I've seen them. Thanks for the review!
Great review. Sounds like you had a great time.

I never got into Bad Religion... too happy sounding for me lol. But this review makes me want to listen a bit more.
Old BR is great but once they got Brian Baker on guitar for The Grey Race the quality of the guitar solos got way better. Brett is a great songwriter but a below-average guitarist.
BTW Darrell, do you know who Brian's previous band was? Great shit, I LOVED this band when I was a kid lol! Thanks for that great review man! Here ya go everyone...Brian plays a great solo on this one!
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I think the setlist was something like this (the middle part I'm not sure), but I'm still missing a lot of songs.

Do What You Want
Sinister Rouge

Man With A Mission
No Control
Man With A Mission
I Want To Conquer The World
Along The Way
Flat Earth Society
A Walk
21st Centuri Digital Boy
Recipe For Hate
Requiem For Dissent
Atomic Garden
New Dark Ages
Germs Of Perfection
Fuck Armageddon
We're Only Gonna Die
American Jesus
Los Angeles Is Burning

Punk Rock Song
I have respect for Bad Religion. They never really changed their sound over the years. Not many bands do that. I know some of the hardcore bad religion fans
don't like some of the recent albums. Especially the mainstream shit like "los angeles is buring" etc.

But for the most part they have kept true to themselves which is pretty admirable.

That being said I just need more balls in my music. I need some aggression and don't like the 'sing along' type songs so much. I need some crunchy guitars and some double bass every now and then :devil:

A lot of my friends who are just average every day music fans love bad religion and go to their shows every time they are in town. The fact that THEY like bad religion makes me want to not like them =)

Nice. I just can't handle the sing along 'Whoooh oooh oooohhhhh'. It's all good. Just not my style. Too happy for me. Then again I grew up listening to Slayer, Sepultura, and got into extreme death metal for many years. So most people would say that extreme death metal isn't for them. We all have our own opinions. I was into punk for a few years. realy liked Icons of Filth, Discharge, The Varukers, Conflict, GBH, and a lot of the british punk bands.

There was one 'happy' band that for some reason I really liked they were called seaweed. You may want to check them out if you haven't already. There is something about his vocals that drew me into them.

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I have respect for Bad Religion. They never really changed their sound over the years. Not many bands do that. I know some of the hardcore bad religion fans
don't like some of the recent albums. Especially the mainstream shit like "los angeles is buring" etc.

But for the most part they have kept true to themselves which is pretty admirable.

That being said I just need more balls in my music. I need some aggression and don't like the 'sing along' type songs so much. I need some crunchy guitars and some double bass every now and then :devil:

A lot of my friends who are just average every day music fans love bad religion and go to their shows every time they are in town. The fact that THEY like bad religion makes me want to not like them =)
I hear ya man, I guess Bad Religion is one of my guilty pleasures, liked them since I was a kid and never stopped. I definitely like more aggressive music too but BR is great to me. Love that their singer is a doctor and talks about how stupid the world is in every song, yet you can't argue with him because he's so smart and cynical, good stuff. Thanks Darrell for posting man we must be in an Anthrax slump to be talking about BR here, c'mon 'Thrax give us something!
How about Pennywise ?

I can not fucking stand Pennywise. All the 'bro's' love to blast that 'bro hymn' song. It makes me want to vomit. All the idiots out in so california think Pennywise is some crazy hardcore band. Puts a bad taste in my mouth.

If i want hardcore I'll go listen to sick of it all. I'll take them any day over the happy sounding 'punk' bands