My band in the studio with Johnny Franck.


Jan 8, 2011
Yo guys. My band is currently in the studio with Johnny Franck of The March Ahead, and formerly of Attack Attack. His production to me is perfect. I really enjoy it. I was gonna ask you guys about what you thought of the current stuff on our facebook.
Lemme know what y'all think. The new stuff is unmastered so its not up but we've got some shit coming up that some of you may like.
A lot of good moments in the songs ('cept glitches - they're overdone), I second what Nick said about the mix. Drums are overtaking the mix, I don't the kick, cymbals, esp. crashes, are strange, guitars have no power... Sorry!
Can i ask a question, and i'm not trying to be a dick. Did you record with this dude because of his name/band?

Just seems like a big name drop to me. No comment on the mix.
I don't thing Johnny Franck is an AE in any means... He sent MY band an invite, plus several other locals the same exact one via email.. It was pretty irritating.
not a huge fan I must say...kick and snare are too obviously 100% triggered/programmed (Slate), the kick really pokes out in a weird way, the cymbals/overheads sound just shite and wahsy (sorry), guitars sound a bit weird to me, too..but they're usable I think. the clean vox are really weird to say the least (with the FX and panning)...but I gotta admit I'm too old for this style, so perhaps it's what some people wanna hear today, dunno.

don't wanna comment on the music tbh, too boring, couldn't make it half the way through the song ....just feels a bit like all that's holding the song together is not "the song" but a load of FX and special thingies....but IMO that's not enough to make a bland song interesting (just my taste, not trying to be disrespectful)

I think the mix is pretty terrible but the music is pretty sick dude!

you stole my sig! :D

I was not aware Johnny was an AE...

isn't everyone an AE? :D
Haha! Vinny I was just about to mention this, you beat me to it! Must admit, not a great sounding kit by any means, but the best I've heard from EZdrummer personally! Although, the OH's are ruining everything! Those drums need to be velocity edited to hell and back. OH's sound like they need a serious amount of top end taken off. The toms seem to pop a little too much and needs less verb. Tbh, I expected better from Johnny, after chilling with Sturgis for all that time! aha That programming is pretty sweet though! :)
There seems to be a few guys that were in bands that recorded with Sturgis that are popping up as engineers over the last few months. Makes me wonder what goodies / techniques they were privy to...
There seems to be a few guys that were in bands that recorded with Sturgis that are popping up as engineers over the last few months. Makes me wonder what goodies / techniques they were privy to...

I've noticed the EXACT trend. It baffles me!!!