my band live..


off topic user
Dec 29, 2005
brooklyn, ny
right now its just me and carlos but we played our first show the other day at this party and we got a positive response so far.:kickass:

give us some feedback please (besides saying the song is too long cus we know and we plan to trim it up a bit... ) any advice or criticism is much appreciated...

if you live in new york and you play bass or know how to sing well hit us up! we need a singer who knows how to sing for real and has a good scream or growl...

second guitarists are welcome to audition but preferably somebody who is extremely versitile in different musical styles and or can play the songs without a problem..

if you are interested, this is your chance to join a serious melodic hardcore metal band... we plan to keep touring even if it stays a power duo..

if u live in the ny area and you like to party, hit me up, we also plan to throw parties in the near future! andy and the gang are always welcome too! hehe

edit: duhhh the URL.. YouTube - Brooklyn Band Bash - The Lonely, "SPASM"
wEERLL.... i'M drunk. so ignore mr. But... I think you need to ditch the V-drums live.... sounds like pooo poo. And move to ohio and i'll do the number 2 guitar thuing. cause i'm cool like thqat. peace out.
Sounds cool to me, yeah trim it up like you said. You guys really need a bassist another guitarist and a singer for real though. I don't think you'd make it very far by touring as a "power duo" but hey maybe I'm wrong. I would just be bored watching 2 dudes play unless you were playing some real crazy shit like I've never seen before.