My band needs a singer! Myspace / UK


Sup guys n gals?

My name Joe and I'm in the band Karhu, and basically we need a singer that just has that badass quality to it.

Think Phil Anselmo, Chuck Billy, Rob Halford, James Hetfield, Randy Blythe etc.. just a great metal singer.

anyway.. I've always sucked at talking about shit and making it sound good.. so it'll be easier to just listen to it yourselves hahaha

at least that way you can decide whether you like it or not without having to read a page full of bollocks!

but yeah we need a singer, based in gloucestershire preferably however we will work with people in other countries or far away etc if they can record and send stuff over.

A fan base could be built up over the internet and then gigs could be strung together.

But anyway, sorry as hell if this reads wierd, or snotty, or impatient etc.. I've done 2 all nighters in a row working on band stuff, so I hope it doesn't come out like I'm an asshole hahaha
