My band's EP is now out (Free Download)


Den Mørke Natt
Oct 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
After realizing that not making our music downloadable was completely stupid, we decided to polish some of our best songs and release them as a small demo that would get circulated both on the internet and in the real world.

For those of you that don't keep track of our Facebook news feeds, here it is:

EDIT: Now on bandcamp


Your Tracks sound awesome, especially the guitars :D

How did you get such great sounds? Is that a 5150 btw?


Yes it is a 5150, typical sneap setup (OD, settings, mic/mic position). Drums are Superior Drummer with no sample replaceable, they are heavily tweaked from one of the Andy Sneap presets which I got for shits and giggles however ended up making my own sound.
I dig it, especially the guitar tone (is it a Mesa cab?). Not a fan of the kick and definitely think the snare would've benefited from some other samples (also the snare is waaay too loud on the second song, probably by mistake?).
damn I liked your fb page to see news of that kind, but it didnt pop up on my startpage :p

sounds really cool, really liking the music. Love that kind of melodeath
Guitars sound really really cool, snare too for beeing only superior, same for kick. But kick could benefit more from some sample augmenting then the snare imo
The snare and kick could use sample augmentation but I am behind on the times as I still don't have any sample replacement program, I did the same thing with not having SD2.0 for a few years as well. Regardless I try to make due with what I have.

I like my snares loud but more recently since I use my computer for internet and games and recording, I have gained some instability with my computer and can no longer render individual tracks from SD2.0 to mix so I have to mix all the drums without guitars bass and keys and hope that everything is at the correct volume when I add guitars etc in later, and I usually don't care to redo songs if the drums are fucked up because it takes around 4+ hours just to fix one thing due to the stupid amount of sessions just to get a mix. I really need to pickup some extra drives to have a dedicated recording system.

And as for the cabinet:

I enjoyed it. Empire and The Grand Despair were my favorites. The songs are missing some kickass vocal melodies but it's definitely promising. Solos were a bit too dry for my taste, a tad more delay would've been nice. The orchestra could sounded a bit bigger too. Then again I might enjoy reverbs and delays a bit too much.
Thanks. I wasn't able to mix any of the songs correctly due to computer issues that I am still trying to fix. I'd rather have solid yet non-perfect mixes than nothing at all. The orchestra library isn''t the best and getting weight out of them can be difficult, but they get the job done and I am happy with that.

And yes, the songs would sound so much better with vocals, its just unfortunate I can't seem to find one.
I downloaded it and I am digging it. Songs sound like they would have death metal vocals for sure.

If you can't find anybody to be your vocalist then either you or one of the other band members should do it. It is near impossible to get non-musicians to listen to music without vocals. Even in death metal were you can't understand 90% of the lyrics anyway.

Anyway cool songs.
No death vocals, we are looking for 99.9% clean. We are not against screaming by any means, but it has to be the right moment.

Like I said before, I am the most capable of singing and I am still a few years away from being able to sing well enough as well as I can't sing and play intricate metal riffage at the same time. None of us could really sing and play at the same time, so it leaves us searching for a vocalist.
I actually don't like death metal vocals alot of the time, but using them makes it much easier to find a front man. Most people that can sing good are not interested in singing in band as heavy as yours.

You could probally have a better chance of getting a good clean singer if collaborated with some body online, but then you can't play live gigs.
The collaboration s online would be cool. At least then the music would be more accessible to non-musicians. We have had nearly 3000 people run through our Facebook in the last week and a half but have actually been loosing likes which means people aren't digging it. As some have already said the music isn't bad and has potential, I do think the lack of vocals is really really hurting things.

I have asked around here before if anyone would like to work on a collab but nothing came up of it. Of course I have never made a thread about it and merely brought it up in other threads of mine that wasn't the main topic, but still, no one came forward.
Post a Thread about having a session vocalist do it so that way we can have something people will actually listen to, We can search for the right dude when it comes to that but for now at least get some vocals going, and I know someone on hear would be kind enough to help out.
We need to work on finding someone to do some vocals for us, I believe it will really make the music well rounded! when I come over again we will discuss it!