My bands new release mixed and mastered by me (Post-hardcore, Russia, x50v2, SSD DB)


Sep 17, 2012
Moscow, Russia
So for a 5 year anniversary of our first LP Faces we've decided to re-record several old songs and call it Phases (haha, a pun!).
I went for a modern all-digital sound and did a half-Sturgis:
  • Tightly edited guitars
  • SSD4 on drums (David Bendeth kick and snare blended in with deluxe samples, Bendeth hat and crash)
  • TSEx50v2 on rhythm guitars
  • LeCto+Signals IR on quadtracks that sometimes play lead parts
  • LeGion+Recabinet on mono leads
  • Synths!

How did I do, guys?
Also this was my first attempt at mastering which I think I kinda fucked up.

Listen or download all albums (pay what you want starting with $0) here:
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