My band's new single! [crit] Math/Post/Punk/rock?


Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
Hey hey!

Here's my bands new single, i'm actually producing.
There's a lot of production to do yet (and mixing of course) as you'll notice.
The girl vocals are sketches, for another producer
that will take care of her vocals.

It'd be cool to receive your feedback and take notes of what
you think in order to make things better! :Spin:

Here it goes;

Thanks a lot friends!
I really dig the song, chorus is very catchy. Drums are the best part of the mix for me. I'm not really a fan of the guitar tone, it kind of reminds me of the line6 insane preset on my old pod pro but it seems to work with this song. If you have the DI tracks maybe you can experiment with different tones and impulses but it sounds good enough to where I wouldn't consider retracking. Overall good job bro :headbang:
Mr. Diaper!! lol añlsfñlaksf

Well i'm surprised, these guitars went through my good ol dual rectifier ch3 and a orange cab, with a 57 and a 421 1 inch from the grill.
I certainly removed about 4 dbs around the 500 - 1k area. That may've been too much indeed. Some how i felt them a bit middy.

I'll reamp these then, and experiment different settings!
I'm strugglin to get a better bass tone too :(

Thanks for you comments :D!
You may want to wait for a few more opinions on the guitar tone before you go thru the trouble of reamping. Now that you mention it, Mesa's have never blown me away, I've always preferred the 5150 amp family for live mic recording so my opinion is very biased. That being said I would love to hear your mix with the guitars reamped thru a 5150 if you have access to one.
I'm already talking with a friend to borrow his Peavy for a couple sessions, i've never had a chance to manipulate a 5150 though!
Any advice? :D

Here's the same guitar tracks, without the mid cuts ^_^

I'm trying to achieve a pretty 'plain' mix, being gentle with the eq specially, in order to send it to a pro mastering house.
There's still synth stuff to create, complete the gang vocals and record them properly, amongst other things!
I do prefer the sound of the guitars without the mids cut. I think cutting the mids makes them sound a little fuzzy instead of crunchy. As far as the 5150 there are so many versions out now that the sweet spot is going to vary from head to head but I think lead channel with all dials except post gain set to 12 o'clock is a good start. Turn the post gain up until your cabinet resonates to your liking and then tweak the other dials until you get something your happy with. A little pre gain goes a long way, I've been able to get some monstrous guitar tracks with the gain set between 3 and 4. The older 5150 heads do tend to be very noisy so a noise gate might come in handy to avoid having to do edits later. I think the song sounds great considering it has no mastering yet, hope to hear more soon.