My band's new song (thrash,death...)

The music is pretty cool. I'm usually not a big fan of death metal but it's sounding pretty good. As far as the sound goes, the snare seems pretty quiet. I would raise that in volume, and also the kick has a little bit too much low end for my taste. Guitars sound pretty good. There's not much I would do with those. Vocals also sound pretty good but I would probably put some reverb or delay on them. Hope that helps.
man, i've just listened and youre right. Too much low on kick and snare louder.
Vocal has already reverb, i must try it with delay.

I would bring up the bass a tad, lower the vocals just a bit, and then raise everything as a whole -- get a more level sound throughout your mix...
Cool song. The only thing that stands out to me is that the guitars sound like they were played with the neck pickup but it's a great sound anyway. The kick doesn't sound like it's in the same room as the snare to me. It sounds like it's way upfront where the snare seems to have some room on it. I may be on crack, PCP or methamphetamine though. I live up to my name some times is all I'm saying.
I listened to the original and the guitars sound good, not a sound I would personally dial in but definitly cool! The vocals sound really good, I wouldn't bother with more dealy or something since I like the dryness of it but whatever. There might be a bit much lows in the guitars, eating up alot of the low end but it seems to make the mix fuller so again, whatever. Great stuff!
tnx for comment, i'm really pleased to hear you like it.

Unavoidable - you're second person that told me to bother with delays on vocal and i think it's the basic thing i forgot to do!!! I must try it...