My band's song (warning:not metal!)


May 9, 2006
So, this is my first post in this sub-forum. I never thought i had something good enough to post here, and when i got something good, it was most local music, so it would be really uninteresting to everyone.

So, here's the story: Two days ago i discovered that the openings for a rock festival on my city would end tomorrow, so we decided to record a song. We had one afternoon to do everything - the thing is that we were not tight enough, at least on the rehearsals. The result was much better than we thought. The whole thing was done is 6 hours (including mix - tho' it is not ready yet).

It was recorded on the studio i work on. Drums were recorded with a custom made RMV, snare is a Pearl Ian Paice model, and everything was recorded with cool mics (Royer 121, Audix i5, AE2500 - what a friggin' great kick mic) on cool pres (API, Neve Portico, Dbx), Bass was done with a el cheapo Warwick bass, and guitars were a Gibson Sg Standard with Bare Knuckle pickups on my self built amp, and my wife's 70s Ibanez Telecaster with a Little 59 on the bridge on a Single Recto. Both were mic'ed with just a SM57 into an API preamp. Vox were done with a Neumann U87 on the same API. SSL compressor clone on the master, and blah blah blah. Snare was mixed 40%wet/60% dry with Slate's snare01 and that was the only sample replacement i did.

The mix is not 100% done still and there are some obvious performance mistakes. The singer is my wife, be kind :)

btw, my wife complained the guitars (each one double tracked) are 'too raw'. I like 'em, tho'.

So, here it is:


EDIT: Updated link. Working now.
your wife has a beautiful voice man!
I like the rawness of the guitars, as they provide a nice contrast to your wifes voice. The only problem is that tend to overpower her a bit, so maybe they could come down a few dB's?
The mix could use a bit more brightness, mainly the guitars, I almost can't hear the kick in most parts. Otherwise it's a cool song.

btw, a tua mulher tem uma voz muito boa :)

clean tone at the start of the song is a bit naf i think, - i also agree with Sptz, its a little dull in parts. other then that its a nice song, great overall tonalities of the guitar & vox.
Thanks for the replies and compliments about the song and my wife's voice. I really appreciate that. Before starting this band, i was considering giving up playing the guitar and its still a struggle to keep up with work/daughter/rehearsals rythmn, but listening (reading) to those kinds of words really gives me a boost to try to keep it up!

So,dont you guys think of instead of boosting the hi-end on the guitars I could attenuate the low mids a little bit ? I kinda like (and my wife also likes) not too bright guitars and i already boosted something around 3 to 5k. I've been struggling with getting the bass defined and i think the cause can be too much low mids. Both guitars with 3 month old strings + Drop C tuning may have added to the dullness too.

Quiet kick, really ? I'll give it a better listening.

Regarding the guitar in the beggining, i know that. I was in a hurry to pick up my wife at her job so she could record the vocals and didnt even try to achieve a nice tone - and my amp isn't really suited for clean sounds. If i get time this week, i may try recording it again with the studio JSX + a better mic for cleans than a SM57.
