my best friend and i have come to several conclusions this weekend


Aug 2, 2002
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(1) four brother's pizza has the best fucking spaghetti ever.

(2) jeff corwin is the awesomest person ever.

(3) ice cream makers don't work good with soymilk and they make a mess.

(4) j looks back with green eyeshadow, i look back with orange blush

(5) we are now viewed as equally insane, and therefore, get an equal amount of sympathy presents from our family memebers.
(6) there is no place to go jogging out here, so you have to run in the cemetary. that's metal, right?

(7) babies with diarrhea are like, really whiny.
Originally posted by the_preppy
(6) there is no place to go jogging out here, so you have to run in the cemetary. that's metal, right?
I was sitting in a park a week ago, eating lunch.. after a while i started looking around, and i noticed a whole bunch of gravestones lined up on one side, and then i realised all these things i thought were statues and such throughout the park were actually big gravestones.

Realising you're eating while sitting on top of an old cemetery is kinda an odd experience.

The park had nice green grass though...
cemeteries are neat. i dont care what anyone says!
i was actually jogging past my deceased family too i was like 'hey' every time i went by.

jeff corwin IS the animal show guy. he is hot stuff and he's so funny.