My best mix so far (which isn't saying much...)

Like... bass guitar? Or just lack of bass freg's in general?

Every time I turn up the bass, I feel like it makes my mix muddy. I could try EQ'ing it a little better.
The link's updated. Hopefully there's more bass.

Also, in Superior Drummer Metal Foundry I seem to be getting a lot of ring from the low floor tom coming from my room sound track only, and it's just my floor tom. The other two I'm using are fine.
I'm using the DW toms for all of them, but it seems to ring out no matter what floor tom I use.

Is this normal?
I was talkign about the low end dude, its lacking and it would make ur mix much heavier(especially the chugs). All i ear are the guitar over powering everything.

As far as toms ringing have u tried gating them or automating the volume so they dont ring as much?
I was talkign about the low end dude, its lacking and it would make ur mix much heavier(especially the chugs). All i ear are the guitar over powering everything.

As far as toms ringing have u tried gating them or automating the volume so they dont ring as much?
It's not the actual toms themselves, it's coming from the room sound.