My best mix yet?!


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
hey guyz,

been working on a cover lately, just for fun, and to to improve my mixing skillz!

the song is i will never let you down, by caliban. you may/may not like them, but it was a good song to do! even if you don't like them.. let me know how i've done please :)

it's also my first time recording my singing, and i think it's turned out pretty well. i'm sure i could do better, with more practise!

it's actually still a WIP, i need to do the second chorus, and figure out what i'm doing for that intro.

i've gone for accuracy, and i'd like to hear what you think about it!

if anyone can listen to the original.. can anyone figure what's going on in the intro, and how i might try doing something similar?

and all critique is welcome! :D

hmm, you could be right, i'll ease on the high shelve (that's usually one of my standard errors..)

Lionwing, thanks!

audiophile, which vocals? the screaming, singing, or both?

Hmm I'd probably work on your subdrops wich sound desastrous when they hit. I'd probably master the song with the subdrops on an other track then the whole mix. Have you used any stereo enhancer? The mix sounds like it's totally out of phase. Like it's been pushed too much L and R and now sounds all out of place. Could I get more infos on what's going on on the master bus?
aha, that's my second most common error, loud sub-drops.. i actually thought these were far more subtle than usual, but i guess i'm just used to having them full on all the time.. :|

stereo enhancement? yes, there is a fair amount. the guitars have it on their track (just the standard cubase stereo enhancer), then there is a reasonable amount on the master bus (with ozone). more than i would usually do, but it sounds like there is a lot of it on the original, in my defence..! lol.

You could correct the subdrops by automating your multiband limiter on the master bus so it omits limiting the subdrop when it kicks in. And I would correct the stereo enhancement because it really doesn't help sounding larger, it simply blurred the whole stereo image and I can swear your guitars aren't panned large anymore.
thanks for the feedback, i'll work on these things for sure, as well as re-track my singing vocals.

i'm doing a 3 track semi-portfolio thing, i'm gonna get started in recording bands in the local area, so these need to be as good as i can get them! aha.
