my boss is out of her mind


Aug 2, 2002
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she is sitting in her office with a yoga mat on the floor (never used) burning incense (illegal in our office) listening to tibetan chant music.

she also just emailed me asking me how i got my hair so straight and what eyeshadow i am wearing.

she's a style biter AND a fruit.
ok like, this a-hole that i work with always has to talk about trouble with the subways/weather (or both if they interact) every fucking morning. it's like OK SO YOU HAD TO TAKE THE A TRAIN WHO CARES FUCKO.
in my mind, every day. according to my friends i actually only do it once a year.
i mean i am wearing two cashmere sweaters together today so i am still ahead of the game.
my boss is also loaded but she carries around this really obviously fake and awful luis vuitton bag and it's like, why don't you get rid of that thing already?