My brush with isnt a picture with Jose either!


Sep 30, 2005

well close enough!!!!
So where was this at?

Yeah....the whole story....

there are these yearly conventions for poster/memorbillia/books for Hollywood stuff. I have been going for years. About 10 years ago it was a great place to get bootleg movies that were impossible to get anywhere else. Mostly euro and japanese horror stuff. There is always a bunch of low level celebs there to trying to make an extra buck selling autographs. As of late it is just more lobby cards/posters and magazines with more celebs now. I have meet many celebs...most are very nice while some a just bitter. I will never pay to take a photo with someone or for an autograph. My freind I go with does. In the past I have run into / talked for a bit to / or seen.... Val Kilmer, Fred "The Hammer" Williamson, Soup Nazi from Seinfeld,Daisy Duke, Margot Kidder, Peg and Bud Bundy, Ernie Hudson, and tons of others. So far Fred the hammer was the nicest guy I have met. Real down to earth and loved to sit and talk movies. There are lots of people who you are like....huh? what were you in?

It is really a fun time to walk around for an hour or so. Great people watching. It is kind of surreal. You just walk around and there are all these people you have watched on TV just standing around or sitting. Kind of pathetic but funny. Age has not done nice things to many of them. I have a million funny stories about many of the people I have met. Like Ernie Hudson making the moves on this blonde chick from Who Wants to Marry a Millionare.
Who... Steve Carrell??

Or his character?

You don't keep your figures in the box though...
Though you do have backing boards for your posters...

You need more organization for your CDs.
Those bitches aren't even alphabatized!