My cats dig Witchery!

Tide In Mind Out

Mar 5, 2002
ha ha! all they've ever listened to is extreme metal!! I can be blasting Cannibal Corpse so loud the windows are shaking and the cats are all sprawled out on the floor asleep without a care in the world! BUT! They really like Witchery. Whenever I put Dead Hot and Ready on they start flying all over the place, bouncing off the wall, having a good time. Thrashing!!!! My cats thrash to Witchery! lol . Five cats and a bunny, the bunny hasn't gotten used to it yet. Now I have to list their names:
Jill E. Bean(orange)
Bitty Betty(tortise shell)
Bitty Buddy(half siamese)
Emily Lucille(b/w)
Victor Francisco Gonzalez Taylor Rodriguez III Pancho Spirelli IV Esquire!!! Goes by Victor or Little Fransisco for short. He's not very little, he's about 15 lbs. (b/w)
And the bunny is just Bunny
Is it just me or do you aquire a new pet everytime you talk about them?Now you have those 2 Bitty cats,a rabbit and Victor has several new names!That is pretty cool that they thrash to Witchery,though.I put Immolation on a few nights ago when I was made at my mom for playing some type of religious music(or something).Lilly was in my room and she was scared at first,but after the first few seconds of the song,she didn't care.I'm pretty sure Taupe would like some death metal.That cat isn't scared of anything,not even the dog:lol:
ha ha, cats just don't give a damn period, but mine do like witchery. Ok it was like this: My brother was at his friends apartment and they had this kitten that some kids had thrown off the balcony. Well, his friend is poor and can't afford a pet deposit so guess where the kitten went? To our house. That's Bitty Betty, she wasn't hurt physically but being thrown off the balcony affected her mentally and now she's mean and ferocious. I do a Crocodile Hunter impression: "Look eer, mate! Thees, iz the Bi-ee
Beh-ee, the moust ferowshus cretcha, een the whuld!" he he.
Ok, then, one night at about 2 am, Phil comes through the front door and a little brown and white kitten follows him in! He had been down the street at his friend's apartment, and on the walk back, he saw this little kitten sitting on the edge of the bridge crying, so he petted it, and then the little thing followed him the rest of the way home! That's Bitty Buddy. He's sharp looking. He's white but has a brown "helmet" on his head, a brown tail, and three perfectly situated brown spots going horizontally across his back. THEN, as for the bunny, our neighbor called me and said she saw a woman dump a bunny into my grandma's front yard next door and that she went and got and wondered if we would take it. Sure, why the hell not, one bunny won't make much of a difference. Bunny is black with a little silver tinging.
Cattle Decapitation! so someone else has heard of them! kewl! You need to record that shit your bird does!! ha ha ha!!
I almost lost my Witchery "Dead Hot and Ready" CD last night. It got stuck in my stereo in a way it shouldn't have so I had to take the whole damn thing apart and almost broke the CD trying to get it out......agggghhhh!....stress.....sweat.....nervousness.....but I got it out ok, thankfully, and to my suprise my stereo actually still works, I've never had much luck with taking stereos apart without ruining them:cry: :lol:
I like my cats with a light chicken gravy...:)

but seriously, mine are:
Buster Tsunami, aka Doobie - mostly black, half persian
General Pock - named after some character in Star Trek, pure Siamese
Tails - named after a Sonic the Hedgehog character, all orange and white

cat names don't mean anything anyway since they won't respond to words, just the tone in which you speak them. but mine like metal.
yeah, we've had some pretty weird cat names too, they don't make any sense but they fit:
Semi(prounounced tee-mee)
Jungi Pi
Little Piddy
and more i just can't remember, my mom and grandma have had alot of cats.......
CT>>>hahah, that happened to me with my DEATH sop cd. I took the fucken machine apart. ITs a bitch. It flopped into the back.

I love DHANDREADY hahahah.