My Chris Broderick Essay

Dec 8, 2005
This is in no way slamming Chris, because I think he is a god, duh. I also just couldn't think of a more appropriate topic to write about. I kinda 'stretched the truth' in some parts, and maybe even said things that never happened. The assignment was to write an essay about an event that changed the world. Without further ado, here it is.


It's 40/50 or B-
Did you get a 40 out of a 100? Cause that would suck. How old are you too? Just curious. I wrote an essay in high school that basically stole the lyrics to a Motley Crue teacher slammed me as well. Ahahah.
not at all. It was out of 50, so I got a B- :lol:
My friend wrote about the Declaration Of Independence and got a 35
btw I am 16