My Collection Is Complete...Again!

If you have all Opeth CDs, now try to get the vinyl versions.
I have MAYH on vinyl, but it sucks because two LPs are put into one single envelope instead of double one and there are no lyrics inside :( Shame.
Well, I don't think they have vinyl Opeth records anywhere where I live, but I'll see what I can do...

As for this new CD...


One of Opeth's strongest songs...from any of their CD's. Very heavy.


Great song, with some very impressive drumming by Mr. Martin Lopez.

"A Fair Judgement"

Of all the songs, this one probably fits the artwork the best. Very eerie...and a riff at the end that's just...SICK!

"For Absent Friends."

A gorgeous instrumental. Better than "Patterns In The Ivy," in my opinion.

"Master's Apprentices."

Heavy freakin' song. With all members playing brilliantly in unison.

"By The Pain I See In Others."

An Opeth song unlike any other. Very unique...with some insane vocals! Overall, Mikael's vocals are at their most effective.

I approve! :headbang:
I understand it was your opinion. I respect that. Just wondering why you thought it was better. Personally, I enjoy them both. I just think PITI was much the better (possibly my fav instrumental of all time). FAF just seemed bland comparitively.

Excuse my sounding like a wigger but I really feel PITI. Seriously, it makes me feel happy, depressed, content, all sorts of things when I hear it. FAF, I don't feel at all. It's a nice little piece of music but nothing more.

This is of course, in my opinion. :)
Originally posted by Overlord Purple Rainbow

Well, I do!

And I will play it soon...


you're lucky...... I've been waiting since november 4th to get Deliverance.. still havent due to the bloody recordshop.
will have it soon anyway. maybe even tomorrow. :bah:
Originally posted by Overlord Purple Rainbow

Well, I do!

And I will play it soon...

I have all the opeth albums too:D
PITI and FAF were both written for the same reasons IMO. To fill a void between two songs with a soft instrumental. I think for both albums they serve their purposes well. If you go by the names, you can make up meaning. PITI reminds me of nature, its comforting solitude. BTPISIO reminds me of...dur, friends and the things they help see sometimes that aren't so obvious.

i only have BWP :( i borrowed SL of my mate a while ago, and persoannly think SL is just amazing not saying BWP is bad, but i just love The Moor!! ;)