*MY* Complaint about Mr. Keith

Originally posted by jdelpi
That's just contributory negligence. Keith is still liable for at least a mil.

*Strokes chin* You may have a point there.

I'll be contacting Serge about this matter soon. Get your lawyers together Keith, if that is your real name!
Originally posted by InfernalKeith
When did I become British, anyway?

you don't expect me to spend $250 for your address, real name, mother;s maiden name and your high school sweetheart's name?

too bad you are not Brittish...messing with Britts is much more fun,
I love their accents!
You tracked down my ISP. Crafty! I think I was on the internet for two, maybe three days before I learned how to use WHOIS.

You're boring, Sergie. My info is pretty readily available to anyone with the brains to look in obvious places. I've never made a secret of who I am.

Man, I know if I was living a life of leisure, I'd spend MY retirement trolling Anthrax's message board. A toast to the good life, eh, tovarich?
It's not my number, or my address. It's my ISP, and I don't think it's even THEIR current address.

You're right, NFF, this is dumb. My apologies for acknowledging Whackoff Smirnoff - won't happen again. I think I'm gonna actually go outside and get off the computer! :)