my Debut album's progress


Oct 30, 2008

"And The World Shall Burn" is out!

check out Rebel:

to order the album contact me at

guitars and vocals have been tracked by myself at Black Horizons studio here in israel with producer Meir Gur.
drums were tracked by Nir Leberstein,
bass by Jhonathan Rousso
and Violin by Shani Hayun

so here's the track list:

...And The World Shall Burn

1. Storm The Earth
2. Act Of God
3. Blind Are We
4. Dog Tags
5. Humanity's Dusk
6. Rebel
7. ...And The World Shall Burn
8. Just Wanted To Say...

27.3.11 - Drum tracking is done!
well, it took 2 days not incuding setting up the kit the previous evening but it's done! we managed to assemble a kit which consists of:
2 SNR (sennheiser MD421 for top, both of them), 2 different snares on some of the "old school" songs
5 toms
2 splashes
2 crashes

additional micing:
room (414, telefunken ak47)


the raw tracks sounds AWESOME!

photo gallery:

bass has been tracked!


guitar tracking completed!




19.6.11 - "...And The World Shall Burn" is out!


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only listened to blind are we and act of god, both sound really nice to me stylewise
act of god maybe is a bit long though
A. thanks for the replies, guys! nice to hear out some objective opinions since i work alone and you know... i'm not objective...

B. "Sound really smothered ! if you want i can re-mix one song just for fun" of course! just tell me which one and i'll send you the files with DI tracks and everything...
keep in mind tough, these are only DEMO's i record at home so the session drummer can use them as a guide in the studio
i'm on it. will be posted by this evening.

just came back from work, it's 7AM so good night/morning, i'll upload it when i wake up.

these are the Act Of God files: Of God.rar

including all tracks (dry of course) which are 4 rythem (2 amped, 2 DI) and 2 lead GTR (amped and DI)
3 vox, audio drum track, midi drum track, tempo track and an explanation of tempo in case the .smt file does not work.

i didn't send it by a PM so anyone can stea...take a shot if he's willing!
if anyone would like i can post more songs for your mixing pleasure :)
i know mine sux....

and thanks a million anyway!

first of all, it already sounds awesome! WAY better than my version without a doubt...
now, here's the bass part: Of God Bass.mid
i exported it from GP and took all the notes 1 octave higher because it sounded too bassy, if it sounds to high for you take it down 1 actave back...

couple of things that if you can change and re-upload i'll edit the topic with your mix (which will, obviously, make you world famous...haha)
1. bass drum sounds too mechanic, needs some more bass
2. drums are too loud in the mix, all i can hear is BD and SNR
3. bass guitar now available....
4. on 2:48 i inserted a 1/1 delay with a ping pong effect so the word "god" will echo, left and right, until the rythem guitar's line kicks in, it sounded awesome.

thanks a lot man, like i said, it already sounds killer!