My Despised Icon Cover

Well after all this I'd feel bad if I didn't comment ;p So..

Am I right in guessing you used LexTAC for guitars and Slate for drums? If so, I'd recommend the X30 or 8505 or LePou's ENGL sim instead.. Lextac is quite hard to get good high gain sounds, and while you've done a decent job, I think one of the other sims could improve it a lot. sounds like you're processin for the sake of processing, not because you know what to change. That's a big problem if you jump straight into using Slate, since it already sounds so good. Try messing around with some rawer samples that have been posted here, maybe try and imitate the Slate drums, so that you can work out better how to process drums. THEN go back to Slate and you'll have a much easier job.

Bass is just filling up the lowend, try playing around to get it sounding nice ni the mids and highs.

And that singer :/ is awful. The screaming vocals could be decent if you distorted them a bit and added some reverb/delay, they're very dry. The pig squeals have no hope of being fixed 'in the mix'.

Thanks for the honest words! For drums, I used Superior's Metal Foundry...for guitar, I used my Washburn HM526 with EMGs through a 5150 half stack, 57 off axis into my mbox2pro doubling....low passed at 8k high passed at 100hz.....Don't even get me started on vocals....I did everything I could to get what you heard outta him....I wound up letting him hold the mic in the booth, which was a mistake, because every phrase, he had the mic at a different distance from his was a bad situation, and because of time constraints, I couldn't get many takes, so I had to work with what I got...and the squeals...well, he couldn't do it, so I tried to eq until it sort of resembled what it was supposed to sound like....the vocal chain was a 58 --> API 512 --> 1176, which I was hitting too hard I think.... oh well, it was an experience to say the least....I learned that performance is everything and the greatest gear in the world won't cut it unless you have good performance!