My dissapointment with ANTHRAX


New Metal Member
Jun 8, 2003
As an American I would fight for the right of anyone to express how they feel. However, as a music lover and BUYER, I am disgusted with ANY and ALL of the rich and famous people who wine about radio stations or corporate sponsorship falling after they announce that they hate president BUSH. As a Libertarian, I expect to follow from the mouths of all ANTI-BUSH people at least one feeling of outrage at the previous administration. Afterall it was they (CLINTON/GORE) who had numerous opportunities to capture Osama and refused it. Remeber Clinton's respone to 9/11 "I knew it was Osama's doings when I saw the before the towers being struck".

I have read a message from the anthrax message board from Scott saying how it is unAmerican for anyone to criticize the people (useful idiots in my opinion) who stand against President Bush. Well it is the right of all American Citizens to voice our opinions to radio stations and corporate sponsors of these idiots when we feel that they are wrong. The rich and famous have an equal right to free speach as I, but they also have consequences.

If I as a business man announced to all of my customers my politics, then I am aware that I am risking $$$. Shouldn't the rich and famous be made aware of this reality?
The message hear in short is: If you are in the entertainment business, please do not spew your views on us! Please shut up and entertain!
When I hear such non-sense coming form those I enjoy watching/hearing I conciously cannot see them in the same light.

Oh well, just one persons views on the current situation at hand.
That's the most childish bullshit I've heard in a long time.

An "entertainer" can choose to be as political he/she wishes. They are also human beings with the right to say whatever the hell they please. It's the "Liberty of speech" thing you political bigots rave about all the time. If you don't like it, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKIN' LISTEN!

For the record: I don't bloody care what Anthrax does. Not after they sacked Joey and Dan.

Sunbane said:
That's the most childish bullshit I've heard in a long time.

An "entertainer" can choose to be as political he/she wishes. They are also human beings with the right to say whatever the hell they please. It's the "Liberty of speech" thing you political bigots rave about all the time. If you don't like it, YOU DON'T HAVE TO FUCKIN' LISTEN!

For the record: I don't bloody care what Anthrax does. Not after they sacked Joey and Dan.


OK. Let's get this straight. A entertainer can say in public whatever he /she feels and if I as a lowly citizen am appauled I only have the right to cover my ears and eyes? What fucking country are you from buddy? Maybe that is how you live in Sweden, but here in USA we as ordinary citizens have a right to listen to the entertainers as they spew there rethoric and leftist garbage, THEN WE CAN REACT. That is our right and our duty.

It is the whining from those who have to sacrifice financially or otherwise from what they are saying that gets me. Free Speech doesn't give anyone immunity from their beliefs.

If you as a public figure are not willing to risk your career and way of life, then shut the hell up in the first place.

The topic is political correctness obscuring our rock-n-roll. I would say that has quite a bit to do with this site's function.
OK. Let's get this straight. A entertainer can say in public whatever he /she feels and if I as a lowly citizen am appauled I only have the right to cover my ears and eyes? What fucking country are you from buddy? Maybe that is how you live in Sweden, but here in USA we as ordinary citizens have a right to listen to the entertainers as they spew there rethoric and leftist garbage, THEN WE CAN REACT. That is our right and our duty.

Well of course! Freedom of speech goes both ways, doesn't it? Just as Scott Ian has the right to say whatever the hell he pleases, so do you. If you think he sucks, by all means say it. As long as what you say isn't illegal by the standards of your country, nobody can stop you. However, if you're on an agenda to stop Scott Ian from saying what he wants to say, you're going against your own precious constitution!

What's pissing me off, is seeing someone coming to a board for musicians and start spewing political crap about what Scott Ian said or didn't say. I'm here to talk about music, guitars, techniques and licks, nothing else. I'm so fucking sick and tired of politics in general that I could puke on you! Take it to fucking where there are people who care! If this is the direction this forum is taking, I'm out of here before you know it.

Next thing that pisses me off to no end, is how you american political bigots write off every other country as being inferior to yours. Yeah, this is how we live in Sweden, BECAUSE WE'RE A DAMN DEMOCRACY, UNLIKE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! If what an artist says is against the laws of my (or your) country, only then can you do anything about it. Otherwise he/she is in his/her full right to say whatever the hell he/she/it pleases.

Now naff off please.

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Sunbane said:
Well of course! Freedom of speech goes both ways, doesn't it? Just as Scott Ian has the right to say whatever the hell he pleases, so do you. If you think he sucks, by all means say it. As long as what you say isn't illegal by the standards of your country, nobody can stop you. However, if you're on an agenda to stop Scott Ian from saying what he wants to say, you're going against your own precious constitution!

What's pissing me off, is seeing someone coming to a board for musicians and start spewing political crap about what Scott Ian said or didn't say. I'm here to talk about music, guitars, techniques and licks, nothing else. I'm so fucking sick and tired of politics in general that I could puke on you! Take it to fucking where there are people who care! If this is the direction this forum is taking, I'm out of here before you know it.

Next thing that pisses me off to no end, is how you american political bigots write off every other country as being inferior to yours. Yeah, this is how we live in Sweden, BECAUSE WE'RE A DAMN DEMOCRACY, UNLIKE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! If what an artist says is against the laws of my (or your) country, only then can you do anything about it. Otherwise he/she is in his/her full right to say whatever the hell he/she/it pleases.

Now naff off please.


Word to that, bruthaman