My ears are Fried, how bout ya lend a hand ripping this one to shreads?


Studio Awesome!
Nov 27, 2009
Been busy mixing most of the day, my eyes and ears hurt now.

Here is the latest mix im working with here. This is a band that recorded at my little home studio. NEW DRUMS.mp3

Heres the signal chains for those interested:

Vox, SM7b

Guitars, 6505+>808>V30>sm57 & 421mk2 Quad tracked.

Bass, Direct Nothing fancy here.

Drums> Were acoustic but replaced most everything with Slate/Some of my own samples.

Not really a ton of plugs, just a lil verb and compression here and there. The standard buffs.

What would you change/fix/raise/lower/eq/comp/delete/redo/or leave be?

Looking forward to hearing everyones ideas!
this sounds cool as it is, but once you spank it with a limiter to bring things up to -8 RMS it's gonna be a whole big mess and i predict the following:

the lowend of the kick will become extremely overbearing and pumpy
snare will vanish entirely
guitar will become too present
cymbals will become fatiguing

so you may wanna try mixing into a limiter, even if you're not gonna end up "mastering" yourself, just to be in the ballpark of how the mix will react to such treatment. since it'd be a shame to have mixed this well only to leave it quiet, right?
I would lower the ambience on the kick drum a little bit.

The hi hat is too loud or panned too hard; sounds detached from the mix.

Vocals could use some brightening.

I kind of like the midrange the guitars have.

Snare needs more punch. Clip it, raise it, bring down ambience a bit.