Cool vid. The random running through forests remind me of this
=P not that that's a bad thing
Now for some criticism:
Those black screens with text...I am no big fan of them (and stuff like "demon of frost mountain" is about as cliché as it gets imho...).
I would remove the black screens, change a few shots around (I liked the intro and ending of your vid - running through a forest in despair suits the music waaaay better than going off to fight demons - Enslaved's music is rather "deep" so they'll be needing a music vid with multiple layers, most likely). A music video tells a story by combining images with the sound. In this case, the song and the video don't really seem to match that well. I can't seem to take the demon-hunting part serious at least, but maybe that's just me. It seems like it's just a short movie that happens to have an Enslaved track running in the background. If a music video needs text to explain what's happening, something is wrong. The music should do the talking and those black screens are a distraction.
If you look at the lyrics...
Reckless men - So righteous, so clean
Towards the light - So bashful, so pure
Who told you to abandon life
Your strength, free will
And bow for the light?
The light! And turn from the spinning wheel
Fear of the judgment!
Ref (x2):
You have the key to mystery
Pick up the runes; unveil and see
Judgment comes, before us lie
The paths of war and you may die
You have the key, cross over and see
The old and wind-cold tree
Walk the steps and you´ll hear the winds that cry
Search beyond the blinded eyes
Listen before you preach
Don´t leave yourself behind
Honor life, when life has ceased
Welcome the dawn
Beware the glory tales
Watch their deeds - So just and fair
Crusaders - Appointed by God
Who told you to step inside and preach?
Did you forget the daggers lurking in the dark?
Couldn´t you listen or didn´t you ever learn how?
Were you saved?
Were you saved, so you could slaughter with grace?
Ref (x2):
You have the key to mystery
Pick up the runes; unveil and see
Judgment comes, before us lie
The paths of war and you may die
You have the key, cross over and see
The old and wind-cold tree
Walk the steps and you´ll hear the winds that cry
Search beyond the blinded eyes
Listen before you preach
Don´t leave yourself behind
Honor life, when life has ceased
Welcome the dawn
Beware the glory tales
Hold on, don't fade away
Don't be afraid to bleed, afraid to dream
Let the elders enlighten the path
They have cried for you, died for you
Drasill - Ride on
Drasill - Ride on
Ride on
..rather depressive, isn't it? No jolly old demon-slaying there (besides a few "inner demons" perhaps) So, I'd focus on the journey-part and leave out the demon, black screens etc.

You seem to have enough footage (a lot near the end as well). You have some really nice shots (that DO match the general feeling of the song) and imho, you should think more along those lines. Human emotion, despair, corruption, fate and faith, spirituality (and I could go on and on) =P
Just my 2 cents.