my ezdrummer test (non metal)

I totally don't like the drums. They sound too weird for me. Can't put my finger on it. Weird playing, too, it's too much for the mellow guitar and the kick is just banging where I'd like to hear space and maybe an open hat.

The main guitar tone absolutely slays, though! I can't believe that's a POD! Incredible!
Well, it IS a metal forum sort of...
The first thing I noticed is that I can hear the click in the beginning. Those are the kind of details that bug me.
The mix sounds pretty allright. The drums sound a bit boxy though.
Not to steal your thread, but I recently updated my EZD drum clip for a song I'm working on which you can find here. PODxt for guitars, ghetto bass, and all EZD. All I did to the snare was run BlockFish on it for compression and added reverb - zero eq. The mix sounds killer in headphones and on stereo systems, so suffice to say I'm really happy with the results I've gotten with EZD so far.

elephant-audio said:
Not to steal your thread, but I recently updated my EZD drum clip for a song I'm working on which you can find here. PODxt for guitars, ghetto bass, and all EZD. All I did to the snare was run BlockFish on it for compression and added reverb - zero eq. The mix sounds killer in headphones and on stereo systems, so suffice to say I'm really happy with the results I've gotten with EZD so far.


sounds killer! i love how realistic you can make the snare work.. I've had some great results programming the drums in EZ for some Indie/Pop/Ambient stuff..

Good stuff.

Thanlks man, fo rizszle. I'm druink diright now so forgaivbe any loss otf enthsusiasm but IO'm toatally sincrere.
