My first album produced!

Sounding awesome, I love the vibe of it, not sure if I'm loving the vocals that much but the singer seems to be an "acquired taste" kind of singer. The fast double kick at the end of the teaser doesn't sound too great either, but overall I really like the sound of it. More than a teaser would be appreciated though, 20 second songclips give me stomachache
The album will be soon on bandcamp I guess...but I can't post the 25 minutes song right now hahaha

The singer is pretty weird, I agree, some people won't like those vocals.

Some info about the recording:

It was all recorded in reaper. All keys and synths are Korg tryton straight to profire 2626 instrument inputs.
Vocals recorded with T.Bone SCT700 tube mic to profire2626 pre.

Toms and snare are slate samples, kick is a couple of samples blended, and cymbals are mostly sturgis pack.

Slate's VCC on every channel, and mastered with Slate FG-X.
I dig this, although I think that in order for stuff to sound more balanced after the mastering stage, you should lower the synths quite a bit. They'll still be really present, but it'll allow the drums (especially the cymbals and the kick which are a little bit buried) to come through better, same for the vocals. Another small thing would be to automate the kick's volume so it lowers a bit on faster sections.

All in all, loving the vibe of it! I would have cut more of the main frequencies of the snare and the vocals in the synths to (again) allow them to come through better. But overall I really dig it, hit me up when I can listen to more of this.
Overall I think you did a great job! Couple little things bug me but I think its more personal taste than anything "wrong" per say

Drums and especially the snare drum sound a bit dull to me. They have a nice sound but its almost like you're compressing too fast and the actual attack of the drum sounds have been reduced. They're not incredibly exciting sounding. But again, their actual sound is good and the snare actually works quite well in the more subdued parts.

Other than that, the balance seems good and all the instruments work well with each other. I don't hear anything really fighting for space ... its a nice open sound and the vibe it has is really cool

Very nice job!

I should also mention that I'm only listening on some small pc speakers so some of the more intricate details of the sound may be getting lost to me
Thanks for the feedback guys!!

Yeah, there are some weird small things, also it's the first mix I do for anyone but me, so I still need a lot of practice to get things better!
Also the drums are supposed to sound fakey. The guy wanted all to have this kind of electronic vibe!
I happen to like the singer and the overall vibe quite a bit.

The issue with keys is that they get in the way really easily. If you cut low mids in the keyboards, and rose the drums, it would help the rest of the mix breathe a lot easier.
Was that Faith No More in there? Cool. Yeah the singer unfortunately reminds me of Josh Groban, sorry. Definintely not a bad singer though. Loving those synth sounds.