My First Anathema CD

Oct 26, 2002
I had posted earlier about getting an Anathema CD at my local record store. I had forgotten what CD it was, but I finally got the opportunity to go and I bought it. A cool digipak CD...titled ETERNITY.

Let me just say this...

I normally expect good things from the underground Metal scene. Sometimes I'm dissapointed...most of the time I'm pleased. But rarely to I listen to the first couple of songs and determine that they are some of the best songs I've ever heard. When hearing "Angelica," my heart stopped...and I had a huge smile on my face. The kind of smile you have while giggling to yourself, saying 'I didn't think this song would be that good!'

The whole CD is great. The guitars are awesome, and that's always something I look for in a band, the vocals are raw and emotional (and not harsh like most of the underground metal bands I've been getting into), and the songs are brilliant. Touches of hard rock, metal, progressive, alternative, and even new age! And it all works!

Thank you, everyone, for helping me out! I know this will be a CD that I will listen to for years to come!
I was into death metal, when I came to my friend to play Heroes of Might and Magic II. He inserted "Eternity" into cdbox. I was blown away... this album always will be associated with snowy landscapes of HOM&M II in my mind.(with Crimson Cosmos by Lake of Tears)
Judge gsz said:
Well, the guy who started the thread says he likes the great guitarwork on eternity. So alternitive 4 might be a dissapointment when it comes to that...

In fact, that was what I thought when I first heared it back then. Danny's guitarwork was one of the main reasons why I liked Anathema so much in those days... Lucky for me that after a while I saw the beauty of the songs...
Judge gsz said:
In fact, that was what I thought when I first heared it back then. Danny's guitarwork was one of the main reasons why I liked Anathema so much in those days... Lucky for me that after a while I saw the beauty of the songs...

Your words complement mine ...
rafael said:
I wouldn't say that Anathema is underground... maybe the first couple of demos and so, but not now. They've played for 13 (?) years now.
Well, I guess not. But here in the States, Anathema is virtually unknown. I played this new CD of mine to some people and they didn't know who it was and they also asked what kind of music it was! L O L ! ! ! :lol:
I just said heavy metal, but there's alot going on in this CD.