My first Anthrax story!


F.U.2 Master
Feb 6, 2002
Hello folks and friends and enemies alike,

Here it is, my first experience with Anthrax!

I remember I was 12 and I had just spent the morning cleaning up the front of my parents motel and helping rake the lawn and other shit that my pops had me do around the house. Normally, my parents had me do the work for free(since they bought me all my clothes, tapes, music anyway), but on this day, my dad came up to me and said, "Hey, nice job today, I didn't even have to remind you to rake the leaves", and he gives me a $20.00 bill! So I rushed down to RadioShack(the only source for music in small town wyoming) which back in those days tapes were always around $8.95, or $9.50 so I figured that I could get at least 2 new albums. I remember picking up Dokken "Under Lock and Key", and thinking "Yes, finally, my Dokken collection is complete, and then I saw it! Over in the A section, ANTHRAX: AMONG THE LIVING with a new sticker on it! I remember seeing Anthrax t-shirts in my Thrasher magazines, and I had always thought that Anthrax was a skateboard brand or something(you gotta remember, I grew up in a very small town that banned MTV and the only music news was what you could discover on your own terms), and I was like, "Oh my God, this is a good day!". I remember thinking that maybe they were a punk band, but looking at the song titles, "Among the living" "Caught in a Mosh", "NFL" "I am the Law", I figured it was worth the purchase! So here I go walking out of RadioShack and I happened to bump into a good friend, Jason Spaulding(same age as me), and him and our other friend Jason Beck were going camping(big thing to do in Wyoming since there's nothing but mother nature) and asked if I wanted to go also! I ran home and asked my parents and ofcourse it was kewl, so I packed my sleeping bag, tent, food, and ofcourse the boom box and the newly purchased tapes. Once I caught up with my friends and we had our camp setup, I remember the Jasons starting to pull out all the tapes they had brought and advancing to my boom box! They had Judas Priest, ACDC, Motley Crue, and some more Dokken albums. But I remember when I showed them the two new tapes I purchased, Jason Beck was like, "Whoa, is that a Anthrax tape?", and I was like "Yeah, we should listen to it, we know what all this other stuff sounds like", so we cranked it up and let me tell you folks, I don't think that Among the Living left the boom box for the night or the next morning until we packed up the camp and left for home. Both Jasons were very impressed as well as me. Infact, when I got back home and showed Among the Living to my brother(older brother), he liked it so much that it took me about a week to get the dam thing back! Among the Living was the first actually notes that I ever heard by Anthrax and I've never forgotten that day or that camping trip or especially, the album "Among the living"!

AugDawg rating of Among the Living

10 out of 10

GregadetH said:
Did you grow up in the town from 'Footloose'?


A very good call Greg,

It actually was kinda like that, but thank god there was never a ban placed on moshing or skateboarding, about 99.9% of the town was and is LDS or as some people know them Mormon religion. Yes, having fun in that town growing up was kinda hard, as soon as you found something kewl, parents would complain and magically a cop would show up and end the fun. Ofcourse, all my friends growing up were LDS so I certainly don't have anything against the religion but at the same time I would never go there! Imagine how much I learned when I was 19 and went to Seattle!

GregadetH said:
Crap. U must be in Utah. Or at least then.

My ex is a Mormon. Need I say more?

Actually, I was in Wyoming then, and I'm in Utah now! :erk:

But actually, Utah isn't nearly as bad as one might think especially now since it's more like 60% non mormon and 40% Mormon. Sorry 2 hear about your ex, and yes you don't need 2 tell me more since I myself had several relations with Mormon women and I got tired of hearing "why don't you go 2 church with me".

speaking of mormons, there´s a lot of them in Prague on "a mission", is it true that they can´t have their first sex until they finish the mission...
johnnieCzech said:
speaking of mormons, there´s a lot of them in Prague on "a mission", is it true that they can´t have their first sex until they finish the mission...

Their suppose to be married before they have sex. Usually, they don't get married until they have gone on a mission though. Glad I'm not Mormon.

Now big dawg - how did you keep listening to Dokken after Tooth and Nail - from 85 on alot of hard rock bands even Priest put out wimpy shit with keyboards and the hair bands exploded. I think I'm gonna :puke:

Anyway cool story - just having fun too. thrasher Mag nice memories. Remember their recipe for grub, mo, grinds whatever it was called column.
That's a cool story. That's what being a kid discovering music is all about. I will never forget the first time i listned to KISS Alive! It was the first record i ever got. When i heard it it was like a whole new universe opened up in front of me. I've been there ever since.
Well for nothing here my Anthrax story:

I was 12 years old growing up in Brooklyn NY. Back then I listened to Rap but good rap. Run DMC, Grand Master Flash, Public Enemy (there first album was in 87) Beastie Boys etc... My friend across the street said "Yo listen to the shit!" and I said ok. I heard "Now were Anthrax and we take no Shit" it was I'm the man! At first I thought wow who's this new rap group. I thought they were black and I looked at the cover and I started laughing beacuse there were these 5 white guys. As I listened I was bomb barded with this sound I never heard before METAL! It had the same attitude as rap but they played instruments. Since that day I was hooked for life.
jrw01-half said:
actually, Footloose is based on a true story that happened in Oklahoma somewhere. Elmore City according to But in the movie, it was based somewhere else.

Funny enough,

FootLoose was actually filmed in Utah! :loco: But I don't think that what was the location for the plot of the movie, but yes, it was actually filmed in Utah. Great Anthrax story's everyone! :rock:

And yes Darby we did listen to the Dokken album that night but I remember me, and both Jasons were like, "Man, it's kinda hard to listen to this stuff after you've heard this heavier stuff!" To make a long story short, the Dokken tape only lasted for about 5 months in my collection before I gave it over to my older brother!

LOAroberto said:
Well for nothing here my Anthrax story:

I was 12 years old growing up in Brooklyn NY. Back then I listened to Rap but good rap. Run DMC, Grand Master Flash, Public Enemy (there first album was in 87) Beastie Boys etc... My friend across the street said "Yo listen to the shit!" and I said ok. I heard "Now were Anthrax and we take no Shit" it was I'm the man! At first I thought wow who's this new rap group. I thought they were black and I looked at the cover and I started laughing beacuse there were these 5 white guys. As I listened I was bomb barded with this sound I never heard before METAL! It had the same attitude as rap but they played instruments. Since that day I was hooked for life.

I have a similar story to discovering Anthrax - my first song I heard was I'm the man and I thought that was awesome.

A mate of mine had a copy of NFV on video (of course, since DVD didn't exist back then) and I watched it and the first song is Amoung the Living on that video.

From that day on, my love for Anthrax was born. That was back in 87 I think.

Now, almost 20 years later and at 33, I am still loving it just as much as back then. To be honest, I prefer the old school metal that the newer stuff - maybe that is my age coming through, who knows...........
ThraxSA said:
To be honest, I prefer the old school metal that the newer stuff - maybe that is my age coming through, who knows...........

Nah man that isn't your age showing through! Anthrax made some AMAZING music back in the 80's!!! :rock: